(608) 495-9220 [email protected]
Mortgage Discussion

Mortgage Discussion

Join us after the congregational meeting on March 3 for a discussion of our upcoming mortgage rate adjustment in September and a possible plan for paying off our balance in five years (or less). No votes will be taken. This is an informational meeting. View Keynote...
Giving Online

Giving Online

We recently changed our online giving service. Thanks to Thrivent Financial, we are now able to receive donations without a processing fee. Thrivent members may also use this service to direct Choice Dollars and to apply for Action Teams. Donate...
OPC Thank Offering

OPC Thank Offering

Received on November 29, 2020 The congregations in our denomination receive an annual offering to support the three main branches of our cooperative efforts in Worldwide Outreach: Christian Education, Foreign Missions, and Home Missions. ...
Thank Offering

Thank Offering

Each year the congregations of our denomination receive an offering to support the work of the whole church in Christian Education, Home Missions, and Foreign Missions. There will be weekly bulletin inserts that highlight these different ministries and a final...
OPC Thank Offering

OPC Thank Offering

Each year, our denomination receives a special offering for the support of Christian Education, Home Missions, and Foreign Missions. Watch for bulletin inserts over the next few weeks that highlight these different areas of ministry. This offering will be received on...