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Archaic Words

in the King James Bible

The King James Version of the Holy Bible was written over 400 years ago and the English language has obviously changed since then. Not structurally, but some words and phrases have fallen out of common use. If you come across a word you do not understand while reading, just stop and use this page to learn what it means. It will increase your understanding of scripture and improve your vocabulary.


Word, Count, Definition, Reference(s)

Abase (8) to reduce or lower; to humble or cast down (Job 40:11; Isa 31:4; Eze 21:26)

Abated (6) diminished in intensity or amount; lessened (Gen 8:3; Lev 27:18; Deu 34:7)

Abba (3) father; a superior Chaldee/Syriac (Mar 14:36; Rom 8:15; Gal 4:6)

Abhor (42) to shrink from with dread; lothe, detest (Exo 5:21; Lev 20:23, Lev 26:11)

Abjects (1) an outcast, a worthless, despicable person (Psa 35:15).

Abroad (79) outdoors; away from home; scattered about (1Sa 9:26; Mar 1:28; Joh 11:52)

Adamant (2) a sharp, hard stone; hardest substance (Eze 3:9; Zec 7:12)

Adjure (7) to charge or bind by an oath or threat (1Ki 22:16; 2Ch 18:15; Mat 26:63)

Admiration (2) wonder or astonishment (Jude 1:16; Rev 17:6)

Admonish (9) to instruct; warn; reprove mildly (Ecc 4:13)

Ado (1) trouble; labor; fuss (Mar 5:39)

Adventure (3) hazard, risk (Deu 28:56; Jdg 9:17; Act 19:31)

Advertise (2) give notice, inform (Num 24:13; Rth 4:4)

Advisement (1) a consultation; counsel (1Ch 12:19)

Affect (4) to act upon (Lam 3:51); embitter (Act 14:2); desire, seek (Gal 4:17, Gal 4:18)

Affinity (3) a relationship by marriage (1Ki 3:1; 2Ch 18:1; Ezr 9:14)

Affording (1) accomplishing, yielding, producing or providing (Psa 144:13)

Afoot (2) to go on foot; walk (Mat 6:33; Act 20:13)

Afore (7) before; prior (2Ki 20:4; Psa 129:6; Rom 1:2)

Agone (1) past, ago (1Sa 30:13)

Ague (1) fever; chill (Lev 26:16)

Albeit (2) although; even though (Eze 13:7; Phm 1:19)

Alleluia (4) praise the lord (Rev 19:1)

Allow (3) to praise or approve (Luk 11:48; Act 24:15; Rom 7:15)

Alms (13) charity; relief to the poor (Mat 6:1; Luk 11:41; Act 3:2)

Amazed (21) terrified, fearful (Mar 9:15, Mar 14:33)

Ambassage (1) ambassadors, delegation (Luk 14:32)

Amerce (1) to punish by imposing a penalty or fine (Deu 22:19)

Amiable (1) friendly, agreeable, or lovely (Psa 84:1)

Amiss (4) in error, incorrect, improper (2Ch 6:37; Dan 3:29; Luk 23:41)

Anathema (1) excommunication with a curse (1Co 16:22)

Ancient (16) old person yet still alive, elders (Ezr 3:12; Job 12:12; Isa 3:2)

Angle (2) fishing rod with hook (Isa 19:8; Hab 1:15)

Anise (1) an herb of the parsley family (Mat 23:23)

Anon (2) immediately, at once (Mt. 1320; Mar 1:30)

Apace (3) traveling at a great pace, swiftly (2Sa 18:25; Psa 68:12; Jer 46:5)

Apostle (83) messenger; one sent on a mission (Mat 10:2; Mar 6:30; Luk 9:10)

Apothecary (4) a store or shop; pharmacy, spice dealer (Exo 30:25; 2Ch 16:14; Neh 3:8)

Apparel (28) clothing; attire (Jdg 17:10; Act 1:10)

Appertain (7) belong or pertain to (Num 16:30; Jer 10:7; Neh 2:8)

Apple…Eye (5) pupil of the eye (Deu 32:10; Psa 17:8; Pro 7:2)

Aright (5) correctly, properly (Psa 50:23, Pro 15:2; Jer 8:6)

Armholes (2) the armpit; the hole in the garment in which the arm is put (Jer 38:12; Eze 13:18)

Array (45) To clothe; to line up an army for battle (Gen 41:42; Jdg 20:20; 1Ch 19:9)

Art (495) are; second person singular (Gen 3:9)

Artificer (4) one who makes something by art or skill (Gen 4:22; Isa 3:3; 1Ch 29:5)

Artillery (1) offencive weapon such as a bow or sling (1Sa 20:40)

Asp (5) a snake, serpent (Deu 32:33)

Assay (6) to try, undertake, prove, or attempt (Deu 4:34; 1Sa 17:39; Act 9:26)

Assent (2) to agree, concur (2Ch 18:12; Act 24:9)

Asswage (2) to lessen, relieve, or ease (Job 16:5, Job 16:6; Gen 8:1)

Astonied (10) astonished, surprised or startled (Ezr 9:3; Dan 5:9;)

Asunder (21) apart; into parts; separately (Lev 1:17)

Attent (2) to be attentive, observant (2Ch 6:40, 2Ch 7:15)

Augment (1) to enlarge, increase, or supplement (Num 32:14)

Austere (2) to be severe, strict, harsh (Luk 19:21, Luk 19:22)

Averse (1) to be opposed, unwilling, disinclined, turned back (Mic 2:8)

Avouched (2) guaranteed, admitted, affirmed, or vouched for (Deu 26:17, Deu 26:18)

Away with (5) tolerate, bear, and endure; to take away (Isa 1:13; Luk 23:18; Joh 19:15)

Axletrees (2) wooden axels, spindle (1Ki 7:32, 1Ki 7:33)


Word, Count, Definition, Reference(s)

Ear(ing) (3) plough the ground, (Gen 45:6, Exo 34:21; Deu 21:4)

Earnest (5) serious, important, or zealous (Rom 8:19); (3) a pledge or deposit securing a contract (2Co 1:22, 2Co 5:5; Eph 1:14)

Effeminate (1) unmanly or unnaturally delicate, soft, or weak (1Co 6:9)

Emboldened (1) to make bold (1Co 8:10)

Emerods (8) hemorrhoids, swelling (Deu 28:27; 1Sa 5:6)

Eminent (4) prominent, outstanding, or distinguished (Eze 16:24, Eze 16:31, Eze 16:39, Eze 17:22)

Emulation (2) a jealous rivalry (Rom 11:14, Gal 5:20)

Endamage (1) to inflict damage upon, injure, or discredit (Ezr 4:13)

Endued (5) to introduce, to bring to a certain condition (Gen 30:20; 2Ch 2:12; Luk 24:49)

Engines (2) a mechanical device or machine; weapons of warfare (2Ch 26:15; Eze 26:9)

Engrafted (1) to be grafted in, inserted, implanted, or introduced (Jam 1:21)

Enjoin (4) to direct, command, or impose (Phm 1:8)

Enlargement (1) freedom, relief (Est 4:14)

Ensample (6) an example, pattern, model, or sample (Phi 3:17; 2Th 3:9; 2Pe 2:6)

Ensign (9) a signal, sign, token, emblem (Num 2:2; Isa 5:26; Zec 9:16)

Ensue (1) follow after (1Pe 3:11)

Environ (1) to surround, or to envelop (Jos 7:9)

Ephah (37) about 8 gallons (Exo 16:36; Eze 45:11)

Ephod (52) cape worn by priests (Exo 39:2.5)

Epistle (14) A sent letter (Act 15:30)

Ere (10) before or until (Exo 1:19; Joh 4:49)

Eschew (4) to shun, avoid, abstain from (1Pe 3:11)

Espoused (7) promised in marriage; betrothed; engaged (2Sa 3:14; Mat 1:18; Luk 1:27)

Espy (2) see, perceive (Jos 14:7; Jer 48:19)

Estate (17) condition, position, or status (1Ch 17:17; Jude 6; Eze 36:11; Mar 6:21)

Euroclydon (1) a tempestuous north-easterly wind (Act 27:14)

Evilfavouredness (1) ugliness, deformity (Deu 17:1)

Exchanger (1) money-changer; banker (Mat 25:27)

Execration (2) a curse, detestation; abhorrence (Jer 42:18, Jer 44:12)


Word, Count, Definition, Reference(s)

Ignominy (1) dishonor, disgrace, or shame (Pro 18:3)

Immutable (1) unchangeable, not liable to change, or variation (Heb 6:18)

Impenitent (1) not repenting of sin; not contrite (Rom 2:5)

Imperious (1) domineering, overbearing, dominant, or commanding (Eze 16:30)

Implacable (1) unappeasable, or irreconcilable (Rom 1:31)

Implead (1) to sue in a court of justice (Act 19:38)

Importunity (1) pressing solicitation; urgent request; unwanted persistence (Luk 11:8)

Impotent (4) to be without power, helpless, weak or ineffective (Joh 5:3, Joh 5:7; Act 4:9)

Impudent (3) immodest, disrespectful, or shameless (Pro 7:13; Eze 2:4, Eze 3:7)

Impute (13) To charge; to attribute or count (Rom 4:8)

Incontinent (1) inability to contain or restrain oneself (2Ti 3:3)

Inditing (1) to declare something (Psa 45:1)

Infamy (2) shame, disgrace, or bad reputation (Pro 25:10; Eze 36:3)

Infidel (2) one who is unfaithful or unbelieving (2Co 6:15; 1Ti 5:8)

Infolding (1) to envelop, enclose, contain, or fold in (Eze 1:4)

Injurious (1) hurtful, insulting, abusive (1Ti 1:13)

Inkhorn (3) a small portable vessel for ink (Eze 9:2, Eze 9:3, Eze 9:11)

Inquisition (3) investigation, examination, or inquiry (Deu 19:18; Est 2:23; Psa 9:12)

Instant (3) earnest, urgent or persistent (Luk 23:23; Rom 12:12; 2Ti 4:2)

Issue (40) a discharge or flow from the body (Gen 48:6; Luk 8:44)


Word, Count, Definition, Reference(s)

Magnifical (1) renowned, glorious, eminent, stately (1Ch 22:5)

Mail (2) body armor of overlapping plates (1Sa 17:5, 1Sa 17:38)

Malefactor (4) a criminal, felon, or one who does evil (Joh 18:30; Luk 23:32, Luk 23:39)

Malignity (1) hatred, wickedness, or malice (Rom 1:29)

Mallows (1) an inedible plant (Job 30:4)

Mammon (4) reproach for wealth, riches, or money (Mat 6:24; Luk 16:9)

Mandrakes (6) plant used as a love charm (Gen 30:14; Son 7:13)

Mantle (14) a loose sleeveless cloak (Jdg 4:18; Psa 109:29)

Maranatha (1) “our Lord cometh.” (1Co 16:22)

Marishes (1) marshes, swamps or other wetlands (Eze 47:11)

Matrix (5) the womb or the point of origin (Exo 13:12; Num 3:12)

Maul (1) hammer, mallet (Pro 25:18)

Maw (1) stomach, the fourth stomach of a ruminant (Deu 18:3)

Mean (5) common, undistinguished, inferior, or of low degree (Pro 22:29; Isa 2:9; Act 21:39)

Meat (284) food of any kind (Gen 1:29, Gen 1:30; Joh 4:34)

Meet (27) proper, fitting, suitable, or becoming (Gen 2:18; 2Pe 1:13)

Mess (2) a portion, share, ration, or allotment of food (Gen 43:34; 2Sa 11:8)

Messiah (2) the anointed one (Dan 9:25, Dan 9:26; Joh 1:41, Joh 4:25)

Mete (6) to allot, measure, or apportion (Exo 16:18; Psa 60:6; Mat 7:2)

Meteyard (1) a measuring rod (Lev 19:35)

Milch (3) an animal which gives milk (Gen 32:15; 1Sa 6:7, 1Sa 6:10)

Mincing (1) with little steps (Isa 3:16)

Minish (2) to make less in size, degree, power, or influence (Exo 5:19); Psa 107:39)

Mite (3) extremely small piece of money (Luk 12:59; Mar 12:42; Luk 21:2)

Mitre (13) a cap, turban, headdress; ceremonial headwear (Exo 28:4; Zec 3:5)

Mollified (1) to be softened, soothed, appeased, or pacified (Isa 1:6)

Morrow (101) the next day, the next morning (Gen 19:34; Jam 4:14)

Mortify (2) to kill, destroy (Rom 8:13; Col 3:5)

Mote (6) a speck of dirt or dust (Mat 7:3, Mat 7:4, Luk 6:42)

Muffler (1) an ornament worn by women (Isa 3:19)

Munition (3) a fortification, defensive structure (Isa 29:7; Nah 2:1)

Murrain (1) a plague effecting domestic animals (Exo 9:3)


Word, Count, Definition, Reference(s)

Quarter (17) a region, locality, or section (Gen 19:4; Isa 47:15; Mar 1:45)

Quaternions (1) a set of four things (Act 12:4)

Quick[en] (23) to have, give, or restore life (Lev 13:10; 1Pe 4:5; Rom 8:11)

Quit (6) aquit; to be discharged or free (Exo 21:19; Jos 2:20), (2) to release from an obligation (1Sa 4:9; 1Co 16:13)


Word, Count, Definition, Reference(s)

Unawares (12) unknowingly, unexpectedly (Gen 31:20; Jud 1:4)

Unction (1) anointing; divine or sanctifying grace (1Jo 2:20)

Untoward (1) to be corrupt, improper, or perverse in the AV (Act 2:40)

Upbraid (2) to rebuke, condemn, or scold (Jdg 8:15; Mat 11:20)

Usurp (1) hold in possession without right (1Ti 2:12)

Usury (24) interest on money (Exo 22:25; Luk 19:23)

Uttermost (2) outermost; last (Exo 26:4; Mat 5:26)


Word, Count, Definition, Reference(s)

Backbiters (4) to slander; to attack one’s character (Rom 1:30; Psa 15:3; Pro 25:23)

Bakemeats (1) baked food (Gen 40:17)

Bank (3) mound for besieging a city (2Sa 20:15; 2Ki 19:32; Isa 37:33)

Banqueting (2) a feast; drinking party (Son 2:4; 1Pe 4:3)

Barbarian (3) foreigner, alien (1Co 14:11)

Barked (1) to have the bark scrapped off (Joe 1:7)

Base (18) lowly, humble (1Co 1:28; 2Co 10:1)

Bastard (3) an illegitimate child (Deu 23:2; Zec 9:6; Heb 12:8)

Bath (6) about 8 gallons of liquid (Isa 5:10)

Battlement (2) a formation on top of a wall for protection (Deu 22:8; Jer 5:10)

Beckoned (6) to make a signal or to summon (Luk 1:22; Joh 13:24; Act 19:33)

Bedstead (2) a place for a bed; bed frame (Deu 3:11)

Beeves (7) the plural of beef, oxen (Lev 22:19; Num 31:28)

Begat (259) to get, bear or bring forth (Gen 4:18; Gen 7:20; Pro 7:21)

Beggarly (1) a beggar, indigent, poverty stricken (Gal 4:9)

Begotten (24) procreated; brought forth (Gen 5:4)

Behemoth (1) a beast or brute; large animal (Job 40:15)

Behoved (2) requirement; necessary (Luk 24:46; Heb 2:17)

Belied (1) to deceive by lying, assert falsely, prove to be false (Jer 5:12)

Bemoan (7) bewail, lament, or express pity for (Jer 15:5; Nah 3:7; Job 42:11)

Beseech (70) to seek; call upon (Exo 3:18; Mat 8:5; Gen 42:21)

Besom (1) broom; sweeping tool (Isa 14:23)

Bestead (1) distressed; perplexed (Isa 8:21)

Bestir (1) to heap up, to stir up (2Sa 5:24)

Bethink (2) to remember, remind (1Ki 8:47; 2Ch 6:37)

Betimes (5) early, in due time (Gen 26:31; 2Ch 36:15; Job 8:5)

Betrothed (9) contracted for future marriage; engaged (Exo 21:8; Deu 20:7)

Bettered (1) improve, amended, render more excellent (Mar 5:26)

Betwixt (16) in between (Gen 17:11; Phi 1:23)

Bewail (10) to express sorrow, lament, mourn (Lev 10:6; Deu 21:13; Jdg 11:37)

Bewitched (3) to fascinate; charm (Act 8:9; Gal 3:1)

Bewray (4) to reveal, expose, disclose, or betray (Isa 16:3; Pro 27:16, Mat 26:73)

Bier (2) a frame on which a corpse or casket is laid (2Sa 3:31; Luk 7:14)

Billow (1) a swelling of water (Psa 42:7)

Bishop (2) overseer (Phi 1:1; 1Pe 2:25)

Bishoprick (1) the office of Bishop or overseer (Act 1:20)

Bittern (3) a bird similar to a heron (Isa 14:23, Isa 34:11; Zeph 2:14)

Blains (2) an swelling or sore; a boil (Exo 9:9, Exo 9:10)

Blaze (1) to make known, proclaim, sound an alarm or publish (Mar 1:45)

Blueness (1) the mark of a bruise (Pro 20:30)

Boisterous (1) strong; mighty; powerful (Mat 14:30)

Bolled (1) to be swollen or inflated; full seed pods (Exo 9:31)

Bolster (6) a pillow or cushion used as a means of support (1Sa 19:13)

Bondslave (39) a peasant or someone in slavery (Gen 21:10; Lev 19:20; Deu 28:68)

Bosses (1) ornamental knobs (Job 15:26)

Botch (2) ulcer, tumor, boil (Deu 28:27, Deu 28:35)

Bowels (39) the interior of anything, affections (Gen 15:4; Phi 1:8; 1Jo 3:17)

Bravery (1) splendor; magnificence (Isa 3:18)

Bray (2) to crush; to cry out (Pro 27:22; Job 6:5)

Breeches (5) garments for the loins and thighs (Exo 28:42, Exo 39:28; Lev 6:10)

Brigandine (1) body armor (Jer 46:4, Jer 51:3)

Brimstone (15) burning stone of sulphur (Gen 19:24; Rev 21:8)

Broided (1) braided (1Ti 2:9)

Broidered (8) to embroider or ornament with needlework (Exo 28:4; Eze 16:10)

Bruit (2) rumor, report (Jer 10:22; Nah 3:19)

Brutish (11) uncivilized, stupid, slow, or without understanding (Psa 49:10; Eze 21:31)

Buckler (16) a round shield with a grip (2Sa 22:31; 2Ch 23:9)

Buffet (5) strike, beat, or contend against (Mar 14:65; 2Co 12:7; 1Co 4:11)

Bulrush (3) a tall aquatic plant or a cattail (Exo 2:3; Isa 18:2, Isa 58:5)

Bunches (3) a hump, bump, swelling or tumor (2Sa 16:1; 1Ch 12:40; Isa 30:6)

Butler (1) cup-bearer (Gen 14:21)

By and By (4) immediately or at once (Mat 13:21; Mar 6:25; Luk 17:7)


Word, Count, Definition, Reference(s)

Fain (2) gladly, willingly, or be content to (Job 27:22; Luk 15:16)

Fairs (6) anything gotten at a sale (Eze 27:12)

Familiar (19) intimate, well acquainted, or in close association (Lev 19:31; Isa 29:4)

Farthing (4) a fourth part of a penny (Mat 5:26, Mat 10:29; Mar 12:42)

Fat (3) good, rich, full, prosperous (Neh 8:10; Pro 11:25; Isa 28:1)

Fats (2) a vat or vessel (Joe 2:24, Joe 3:13)

Feebleminded (1) to be weak, infirm, frail, or faint (1Th 5:14)

Feign (13) to invent, pretend (2Sa 14:2; 1Ki 14:5; Luk 20:20)

Felloes (1) part of a wheel rim (1Ki 7:33)

Fens (1) a marsh or a bog (Job 40:21)

Fetters (11) shackles, metal bands (Psa 105:18)

Fillet (9) an ornamental narrow band that goes around something (Jer 52:21)

Firkins (1) a small wooden vessel or cask equal to one-fourth barrel (Joh 2:6)

Firmament (17) the region of the air; the sky or heavens; or the sphere of the stars (Gen 1:6; Dan 12:3)

Firstling (10) the first offspring of an animal (Exo 13:12; Deu 33:17)

Fitches (3) an herb seed used as a spice or seasoning (Isa 28:25, Eze 4:9)

Flag (4) an aquatic plant like a reed or rush (Job 8:11)

Flagon (5) a container for holding liquids (2Sa 6:19; 1Ch 16:3)

Flanks (6) the fleshy part of an animal between the ribs and the hip (Lev 3:4; Job 15:27)

Flay (4) to skin or strip off the skin (Lev 1:6; 2Ch 29:34; Mic 3:3)

Fleshhook (7) a hook for fish (1Sa 2:13, 1Sa 2:14)

Flowers (2) the menstrual discharge (Lev 15:24, Lev 15:33)

Flux (1) the flow of blood or any liquid discharge from the bowels (Act 28:8)

Forbear (22) to bear, endure, submit to, have patience with, tolerate(Exo 23:5; 1Th 3:5)

Foreship (1) the bow of a ship (Act 27:30)

Forswear (1) renounce earnestly, deny, or repudiate under an oath (Mat 5:33)

Forthwith (10) immediately, at once, without delay (Ezr 6:8; Act 21:30)

Forum (1) market place (Act 28:15)

Forward (3) eager, zealous, ready, or inclined to do something (2Co 8:10, 2Co 8:17; Gal 2:10)

Foursquare (10) square (Exo 27:1; Rev 21:16)

Frankly (1) openly, freely (Luk 7:42)

Fray (3) frighten, scare, terrify, or horrify (Deu 28:26; Jer 7:32; Zec 1:21)

Fret (7) grieve, be angry (Psa 37:1)

Frontlets (3) something worn on the forehead (Exo 13:16; Deu 6:8, Deu 11:18)

Froward (25) stubborn, perverse, difficult, evil-disposed (Deu 32:20; 1Pe 2:18)

Furbish (6) polish, sharpen (Jer 46:4)

Furlong (5) 220 yards (Luk 24:13; Joh 6:19; Rev 14:20)

Furniture (7) equipment, harness (Gen 31:34)


Word, Count, Definition, Reference(s)

Jangling (1) to make a harsh sound or a noisy altercation (1Ti 1:6)

Jewry (3) Judaea (Dan 5:13; Luk 23:5; Joh 7:1)

Jot (1) a little bit or the very least part of something (Mat 5:18)


Word, Count, Definition, Reference(s)

Napkin (3) a kerchief, neckerchief, handkerchief (Luk 19:20; Joh 11:44, Joh 20:7)

Nativity (7) ones birth with reference to national identity (Gen 11:28; Rth 2:11; Jer 46:16)

Naught or Nought (37) worthless or nothing (2Ki 2:19; Pro 20:14)

Naves (1) the hub of wheels (1Ki 7:33)

Nay (55) no; denial (Gen 18:15; Jam 5:12)

Necromancer (1) one who attempts to foretell events by seeking the dead (Deu 18:11)

Neesings (1) sneezing (Job 41:18)

Nephew (4) a grandson or descendant (Job 18:19; Isa 14:22)

Nether (15) lower; beneath (Exo 19:17; Eze 32:24)

Nigh (100) near, proximity in place, time, or position (Gen 47:29; Jam 5:8)

Nitre (2) carbonate of soda, a cleansing agent (Pro 25:20; Jer 2:22)

Noised (4) to make a noise, spread a rumor, or report an event (Jos 6:27; Mar 2:1; Luk 1:65)

Noisome (4) to be annoying or hurtful (Psa 91:3; Eze 14:15; Rev. 16:2)


Word, Count, Definition, Reference(s)

Rail (14) to denounce, scorn, insult (1Sa 25:14; Mar 15:29; Luk 23:29)

Raiment (57) clothing, dress, or apparel (Gen 24:53; Rev 4:4)

Rampart (2) earth raised around a fort; fortification (Lam 2:8; Nah 3:8)

Ranging (1) roving, wandering (Pro 28:15)

Rank (2) full grown, upright, robust (Gen 41:5, Gen 41:7) (4) to set the battle in array (Num 2:16; 1Ch 12:33)

Rase (2) demolish; destroy (Psa 137:7)

Ravening (5) plundering; tearing to pieces (Luk 11:39; Eze 22:25)

Ravin (2) to plunder, rob, or pillage (Gen 49:27; Nah 2:12)

Rear (4) to raise, build or erect (Lev 26:1; 2Sa 24:18; Joh 2:20)

Redound (1) to rebound, exceed, overflow (2Co 4:15)

Rehearse (2) report, declare (Exo 17:14; Act 14:27)

Reins (15) the seat of emotions, feelings, or affections (Job 16:13; Rev 2:23)

Rend (19) to tear or pull apart (Exo 39:23; Joh 19:24)

Reprobate (7) refused, depraved, worthless (Jer 6:30; Rom 1:28; 2Ti 3:8)

Requite (9) to pay back or retaliate (Gen 50:15; 1Ti 5:4)

Rereward (6) a rear guard (Num 10:25; Jos 6:9; 1Sa 29:2)

Respite (2) a rest, a reprieve or postponement (Exo 8:15; 1Sa 11:3)

Revellings (2) a noisy feast, any kind of disorderly or immoral festivity (Gal 5:21; 1Pe 4:3)

Rifled (1) to be plundered, robbed, pillaged (Zec 14:2)

Ringstraked (2) streaked, striped (Gen 30:35.40, Gen 31:8)

Riot (4) wanton, or wasteful living; extravagance (Tit 1:6; 1Pe 4:4; 2Pe 2:13)

Rising (7) an abscess, tumor, or boil (Lev 13:2)

Road (1) a journey, hostile incursion, or raid (1Sa 27:10)

Rude (1) unlearned, uneducated, unskilled (2Co 11:6)

Rudiments (2) first principles; origin, first form (Col 2:8, Col 2:20)

Rue (1) an herb (Luk 11:42)


Word, Count, Definition, Reference(s)

Vagabond (3) fugitive, wanderer (Gen 4:12; Act 19:13)

Vail, Veil (25) curtain; divider (Exo 26:31; Mat 27:51)

Vale (9) a valley (Gen 14:3; 2Ch 1:15; Jer 33:13)

Valour (37) importance, boldness, or determination (Jdg 3:29; Neh 11:14)

Variableness (1) changeable (Jam 1:17)

Variance (2) dissension or controversy (Mat 10:35; Gal 5:20)

Vaunt (1) to brag, boast, gloat (1Co 13:4)

Vehement (8) vigorous, violent, or intense (Son 8:6; Jon 4:8; 2Co 7:11)

Vein (1) a mineral deposit (Job 28:1)

Venison (8) the flesh of a beast of prey (Gen 25:28)

Venture (4) a happening or event involving chance, risk (1Ki 22:34; 2Ch 18:33)

Verily (140) truly, really, or indeed (Gen 42:21; 1Jo 2:5)

Verity (2) truth or an established fact (Psa 111:7; 1Ti 2:7)

Vermilion (2) a bright red pigment (Jer 22:14; Eze 23:14)

Vestments (2) garments, robes 2Ki 10:22)

Vesture (8) clothing or something that covers (Deu 22:12; Psa 22:18; Mat 27:35)

Vex (15) to trouble, afflict, or agitate (Lev 19:33; Isa 11:13)

Vexation (14) trouble, distress, affliction (Deu 28:20; Ecc 4:6)

Victuals (22) food, sustenance, or provisions (Exo 12:39, 2Ch 11:11)

Vile (19) wicked (Rom 1:26); lowly (Phi 3:21); filthy (Jam 2:2)

Viol (4) an instrument similar to a violin (Isa 5:12; Amo 6:5)

Virtue (10) worth, goodness, morality (Mar 5:30; Phi 4:8; 2Pe 1:3)

Visage (3) the face, countenance, or appearance of a person (Isa 52:14; Lam 4:8; Dan 3:19)


Word, Count, Definition, Reference(s)

Cab (1) nearly 4 pints (2Ki 6:25)

Calve (4) an animal giving birth to a calf (Job 39:1; Psa 29:9; Jer 14:5)

Canker (1) a sore, ulcer, or malignant growth (2Ti 2:17; Jam 5:3)

Cankered (1) eaten away (Jam 5:3)

Carbuncle (4) red precious stone (Exo 28:17; Eze 28:13; Isa 54:12)

Carefulness (1) anxiety (1Co 7:32)

Careless (1) free from care, secure (Jdg 18:7)

Carnal (15) sensual, fleshly, worldly (Rom 7:14; 1Co 3:1; 2Co 10:4)

Carriage (6) that which is carried (Jdg 18:21; 1Sa 17:22; Isa 10:28)

Castaway (1) rejected (1Co 9:27)

Caul (11) fatty tissue that surrounds an organ in the body (Exo 29:13; Lev 9:19)

Causeway (2) paved highway (1Ch 26:16, 1Ch 26:18)

Ceiled (4) covered, panelled (2Ch 3:5; Jer 22:14; Eze 41:16)

Chambering (1) sexual indulgence or lewdness (Rom 13:13)

Chamberlain (1) manager of a household or town (Act 12:20; Rom 16:23)

Chamois (1) a small antelope (Deu 14:5)

Champaign (1) a plain; flat, open country (Deu 11:30)

Chapiter (29) head of, or capital of a column (1Ki 7:16)

Chapmen (1) a merchant, peddler, or businessman (2Ch 9:14)

Chapt (1) cracked (Jer 14:4)

Charger (20) a platter or large dish (Num 7:13; Mar 6:28; Ezr 1:9)

Charity (29) love, affection (1Co 13:1; Rev 2:19; Rom 14:15)

Chaste (3) pure from sexual commerce; undefiled (2Co 11:2; Tit 2:5)

Chasten (6) to correct by punishment; to punish (2Sa 7:14; Rev 3:19)

Check (1) repulse, rebuke (Job 20:3)

Chide (7) to quarrel, contend, strive or argue (Exo 17:2; Jdg 8:1; Psa 103:9)

Chode (2) complained (Gen 31:36; Num 20:3)

Choler (2) anger, wrath, or irascibility (Dan 8:7, Dan 11:11)

Churl (3) a rude or coarse man (Isa 32:5, Isa 32:7; 1Sa 25:3)

Circumspect (2) to be cautious, wary, or discreet (Exo 23:13; Eph 5:15)

Cleave (4) to split or divide (Lev 1:17; Psa 74:15); (26) to cling or adhere to (Gen 2:24; Rom 12:9)

Clift (1) cleft, hollow (Exo 33:22; Isa 57:5)

Closet (3) private room (Joe 2:16; Mat 6:6; Luk 12:3)

Clouts (3) a piece of cloth, often used as a patch (Jer 38:11, Jer 38:12; Jos 9:5)

Coasts (2) borders, region (Exo 10:14; Mat 2:16)

Cockatrice (4) a serpent (Isa 11:8)

Cockle (1) a weed, darnel, or tares (Job 31:40)

Coffer (3) a chest, box, trunk or coffin (1Sa 6:8, 1Sa 6:11, 1Sa 6:15)

Cogitations (1) to think, reflect, consider, or meditate (Dan 7:28)

Collops (1) a small piece or slice of flesh(Job 15:27)

Comeliness (4) becoming, fit or suitable (Isa 53:2)

Comely (21) fair, pleasing, appropriate (1Sa 16:8; Job 41:12)

Commodious (1) to be profitable, suitable, beneficial (Act 27:12)

Communicate (4) to impart; to give to another (Gal 6:6; Phi 4:14)

Companied (1) accompanied (Act 1:21)

Compass (2) to go around, surround, or encircle (Num 21:4; Luk 19:43)

Conceit (1) opinion, conception (Pro 18:11)

Concision (1) a cutting; cut to pieces (Phi 3:2)

Concluded (2) included (Rom 11:32; Gal 3:22)

Concord (1) in agreement, harmony, accord (2Co 6:15)

Concourse (2) an assembly of people or a crowd (Pro 1:21; Act 19:40)

Concubine (22) a wife of inferior condition (Gen 22:24)

Concupiscence (3) strong desire or appetite (Rom 7:8; Col 3:5; 1Th 4:5)

Coney (2) a small, rabbit like, nocturnal animal

Confection (1) a composition or mixture (Exo 30:35)

Confederate (3) a league or joined together (Gen 14:13; Psa 83:5; Isa 7:2)

Constrain (10) to compel, force, or strongly encourage (Gal 6:12)

Contemn (7) to scorn, despise, or treat with contempt (Psa 10:13; Eze 21:13)

Contrariwise (3) on the other hand, on the contrary (2Co 2:7; Gal 2:7; 1Pe 3:9)

Contrite (5) deeply affected with grief and sorrow (Psa 34:18; Isa 57:15)

Convenient (2) suitable, proper (Pro 30:8; Eph 5:4)

Conversant (2) dwelling with (Jos 8:35; 1Sa 25:15)

Conversation (20) behavior, conduct, or manner (Psa 37:2; 2Pe 3:11)

Convince (7) to prove guilty, vanquish, refute (Tit 1:9; Jude 1:15)

Convocation (16) an assembly (Num 28:18)

Coriander (2) plant with small spicy seeds (Exo 16:31; Num 11:7)

Cormorant (4) a large ravenous bird (Lev 11:17; Deu 14:17; Isa 34:11)

Corn (102) a small hard particle of grain or seed (Gen 27:28; 1Ti 5:18)

Cotes (1) a shelter for animals or storage (2Ch 32:28)

Coulter (1) blade of a plough (1Sa 13:20)

Countenance (53) appearance of the face (Gen 4:5; Luk 9:29)

Countervail (1) a counterbalance (Est 7:4)

Cousin (1) kinsman, relative (Luk 1:36, Luk 1:58)

Covert (9) a shelter or hiding place (1Sa 25:20; Jer 25:38)

Cracknels (1) light, crisp biscuits (1Ki 14:3)

Creature (41) a created being (Rom 1:25; 1Ti 4:4)

Crib (3) the manger of a stable (Job 39:9; Pro 14:4; Isa 1:3)

Crisping pins (1) curling pins for a women’s hair (Isa 3:22)

Crookbackt (1) hump-backed, hunch-backed (Lev 21:20)

Cruse (9) a small vessel for holding liquids (1Sa 26:11; 2Ki 2:20)

Cubit (252) cubit of a man, from elbow to fingertip (Deu 3:11)

Cuckow (2) gull, bird (Lev 11:16; Deu 14:15)

Cumbered (3) to overwhelm, trouble or burden (Luk 10:40, Luk 13:7; Deu 1:12)

Cummin (4) a plant used as a spice (Isa 28:25, Isa 28:27; Mat 23:23)

Cunning (33) skillful (1Sa 16:16; 1Ki 7:14)

Curious (10) detailed; intricately, or skillfully made (Exo 28:8; Act 19:19)

Curious Arts (1) magic, sorcery (Act 19:19)

Custom (3) tribute, tax, toll (Mat 9:9; Mar 2:14; Luk 5:27)


Word, Count, Definition, Reference(s)

Gaddest (1) to move about restlessly or roam idly (Jer 2:36)

Gainsay (3) to speak against, contradict, oppose, or hinder (Luk 21:15)

Gallant (1) to be admirable, noble, finely dressed, or beautiful in appearance (Isa 33:21)

Garner (4) a storehouse for grain, barn (Mat 3:12; Luk 3:17)

Gat (20) got (Psa 116:3)

Gay (1) happy, joyful, cheerful, or fine (Jam 2:3)

Gazingstock (2) the object of someone’s gaze or stare (Nah 3:6; Heb 10:33)

Gender (4) to produce, breed, generate, or give rise to (Lev 19:19; 2Ti 2:23)

Gerah (1) one twentieth of a shekel (Exo 30:13)

Gin (3) a trap or snare (Job 18:9; Isa 8:14; Amo 3:5)

Girdle (38) belt (Exo 28:4; Rev 1:13)

Glass (4) a mirror (Job 37:18; 1Co 13:12; 2Co 3:18; Jam 1:23)

Glede (1) a bird (Deu 14:13)

Glistering (2) shining, sparkling, or glittering (1Ch 29:2; Luk 9:29)

Godhead (3) the trinity (Act 17:29; Rom 1:20; Col 2:9)

Goodman (6) the male head of the household (Pro 7:19; Mat 20:11; Mar 14:14)

Greaves (1) armor for the lower leg (1Sa 17:6)

Grisled (4) an animal that gray colored, either whole or spotted (Gen 31:10; Zec 6:3, Zec 6:6)

Gross (4) thick, powerful, or big (Isa 60:2; Jer 13:16; Mat 13:15)

Guile (11) to deceive or trick (Exo 21:14; Rev 14:5)


Word, Count, Definition, Reference(s)

Kerchiefs (2) a cloth used to cover the heads of women; veil (Eze 13:18, Eze 13:21)

Kernels (1) the fruit seed, the inner part of a seed, or kernel of corn (Num 6:4)

Kine (24) cows (Gen 32:15; Amo 4:1)

Knop (10) knob; anything that protrudes (Exo 25:33, Exo 37:19)

Know (17) a sexual relationship (Gen 19:5; 1Ki 1:4; Mat 1:25)


Word, Count, Definition, Reference(s)

Obeisance (9) an expression of respect or submission (Gen 37:7; Ex.18:7; 2Ch 24:17)

Oblation (1) a sacrifice or offering usually made to a god (Lev 2:4; Isa 44:20)

Occupy (1) to trade or do business (Luk 19:13)

Occurrent (1) happening, taking place (1Ki 5:4)

Odious (2) offensive, disgusting, or repugnant (1Ch 19:6; Pro 30:23)

Offend (3) cause to stumble or sin (Mat 18:6, Mat 18:8, Mat 18:9)

Oft (13) often; frequently (2Ki 4:8; Job 21:17; Heb 6:7)

Omer (5) one tenth of an ephah, about 6:5 pints (Exo 16:16.36)

Omnipotent (1) all-powerful; all-mighty (Rev 19:6)

Oracle (17) someone regarded as infallible; a place (2Sa 16:23; 1Ki 7:49; Psa 28:2)

Oration (1) a prayer, speech or discourse (Act 12:21)

Ordain (41) to establish in a particular office or order (1Ch 9:22; 1Co 7:17)

Ossifrage (2) a vulture (Lev 11:13; Deu 14:12)

Ouches (8) sockets or precious settings (Exo 28:11)

Outgoings (8) limits; boundaries (Jos 17:9; Psa 65:8)

Outlandish (1) a foreigner, or one who is strange or bizarre (Neh 13:26)


Word, Count, Definition, Reference(s)

Sackbut (4) a medieval wind instrument (Dan 3:5, Dan 3:10, Dan 3:15)

Sacrilege (1) stealing what is consecrated to God (Rom 2:22)

Satiate (3) to fill to excess or satisfy (Jer 31:14, Jer 46:10)

Satyr (2) male goat (Isa 13:21, Isa 34:14)

Save (1) besides; except (Joh 6:22, Joh 6:46)

Savour (54) taste (Exo 5:21; Mat 5:13); think, understand (Mat 16:23; Mar 8:33)

Scall (14) a sore or scab (Lev 13:30, Lev 14:54)

Scant (1) skimped, meager (Mic 6:10)

Scrabbled (1) rake, scrape, or snatch hurriedly (1Sa 21:13)

Scrip (7) a small bag, satchel, or purse (1Sa 17:40; Luk 22:36)

Seemly (2) fitting, proper or appropriate (Pro 19:10, Pro 26:1)

Seethe (9) to boil or cook by boiling (Exo 16:23; Zec 14:21)

Selvedge (2) the edge of woven fabric (Exo 26:4, Exo 36:11)

Sepulchre (54) a tomb, grave, or burial place (Gen 23:6; Rom 3:13)

Servile (12) befitting a slave or a menial position (Lev 23:7; Num 29:35)

Servitor (1) a servant, slave; one who provides a service (2Ki 4:43)

Settle (6) a sitting place, or a raised platform (Eze 43:14, Eze 43:17, Eze 43:20, Eze 45:19)

Severally (1) separately, individually (1Co 12:11)

Shambles (1) tables for displaying goods; market (1Co 10:25)

Shamefacedness (1) the state or quality of being ashamed; modest (1Ti 2:9)

Share (1) to shear (1Sa 13:20)

Shekel (40) about .5 ounce (Exo 38:24, Exo 38:25)

Sherd (2) shard, fragment (Isa 30:14; Eze 23:34)

Shittim (33) acacia tree (Exo 25:5; Isa 41:19)

Shivers (1) chips, splinters, or slivers (Rev 2:27)

Shod (4) wearing shoes or furnished with shoes (2Ch 28:15; Eze 16:10; Eph 6:15)

Shroud (1) cover, shelter (Eze 31:3)

Silly (3) simple, foolish (Hos 7:11; 2Ti 3:6)

Silverlings (1) a piece of money made of silver (Isa 7:23)

Similitude (12) likeness, image, or resemblance (Num 12:8)

Simple (20) ignorant, without guile, innocent (Pro 9:4; Rom 16:19)

Sith (1) since (Eze 35:6)

Sixscore (1) 120, 6 times 20 (1Ki 9:14; Jon 4:11)

Sleight (1) an artful trick; cunning, or skill (Eph 4:14)

Slime (2) mud, bitumen (Gen 11:3, Gen 14:10; Exo 2:3)

Sluices (1) a dam for water; barrier (Isa 19:10)

Snuffed (2) to inhale, draw up, smell (Jer 14:6; Mal 1:13)

Sod (2) cook, boil (Gen 25:29; 2Ch 35:13)

Sodering (1) soldering (Isa 41:7)

Sojourn (33) dwell for a period (Gen 12:10)

Solace (1) to comfort, sooth, console (Pro 7:18)

Soothsayer (7) one who claims to foretell future events (Jos 13:22; Isa 2:6; Dan 2:27)

Sop (4) bread dipped in liquid before being eaten (Joh 13:26, Joh 13:30)

Sottish (1) to be foolish or stupid (Jer 4:22)

Spring (2) dawn (Jdg 19:25; 1Sa 9:26)

Stanched (1) to stop (Luk 8:44)

Stay (33) support; hold up (Psa 18:18; Isa 3:1; Lev 13:5)

Stead (131) place (Gen 30:2; 2Co 5:20)

Stomacher (1) an embroidered garment; corset (Isa 3:24)

Straightway (42) immediately or right away (1Sa 9:13; Jam 1:24)

Strait (10) to be narrow, tight, or close (1Sa 13:6; Phi 1:23)

Strakes (2) a streak or a stripe (Gen 30:37; Lev 14:37)

Strawed (5) strewed, scattered (Exo 32:20; Mat 21:8)

Stripling (1) a youth or young person (1Sa 17:56)

Suborned (1) to procure secretly, bribe, or obtain by corrupt or counterfeit means (Act 6:11)

Subtil (3) cunning (Gen 3:1; Mat 26:4); insight, perception (Pro 1:4)

Succour (5) to help, aid, assist (2Sa 8:5, 2Sa 18:3; Heb 2:18)

Suffer (51) to allow, permit, tolerate (Exo 12:23; Rev 11:9)

Sunder (7) to separate, divide, or sever (Psa 46:9; Isa 27:9; Luk 12:46)

Sundry (1) separate, various, or diverse (Heb 1:1)

Sup (3) to have taken food to eat (Hab 1:9; Luk 17:8; Rev 3:20)

Superfluity (4) to be excessive, overflowing, or unnecessary (Jam 1:21; Lev 21:18; 2Co 9:1)

Supple (1) to soften, easily bent (Eze 16:4)

Suppliants (1) petition, pray, or beseech (Zeph 3:10)

Surfeiting (1) gluttony, overindulgence, or excess (Luk 21:34)

Surmisings (1) allegations, suspicions, or suppositions (1Ti 6:4)

Swaddling (1) to wrap or bind with cloth (Luk 2:7, Luk 2:12)


Word, Count, Definition, Reference(s)

Want (31) lacking or deficient (Deu 28:48; Phi 4:11)

Wanton (5) undisciplined, unruly, extravagant (Isa 3:16; 1Ti 5:11; Jam 5:5)

Wax (20) growing or increasing in size or number (Exo 22:24; Heb 1:11)

Wayfaring (6) a traveler or wanderer (Jdg 19:17; 2Sa 12:4; Jer 9:2)

Waymarks (1) guideposts (Jer 31:21)

Wen (1) a lump, tumor, cyst (Lev 22:22)

Wench (1) a young girl, a maid, or a young women (2Sa 17:17)

Whence (72) from what place (Gen 16:8; Rev 7:13)

Whet (4) to sharpen (Deu 32:41; Psa 7:12; Ecc 10:10)

Whilst (20) while (Jdg 6:31; Heb 10:33)

Whit (5) the least amount (Deu 13:16; 1Sa 3:18; Joh 7:23)

Wiles (2) tricks, deceits, deception (Num 25:18; Eph 6:11)

Wimples (1) garment to cover the head and neck (Isa 3:22)

Wise (31) way or manner (Exo 22:23; Rev 21:27)

Wist (13) knew (Exo 16:15; Mar 9:6; Luk 2:49)

Wit (21) to know (Gen 24:21; 2Co 8:1)

Withal (32) therewith or with (Exo 25:29; Phi 1:22)

Withs (3) cords, ropes (Jdg 16:7)

Wont (9) accustomed to, used to (Exo 21:29; Act 16:13)

Wot (3) know (Exo 32:1; Gen 39:8; Act 3:17; Rom 11:2)

Wreathen (10) twisting or interweaving (Exo 28:14; 2Ki 25:17)

Wrest (5) to pull, force, detach (Exo 23:2; 2Pe 3:16)

Wroth (49) angry, indignant, or incensed (Gen 4:5; Rev 12:17)


Word, Count, Definition, Reference(s)

Dainty (6) delicate, pleasing, and valuable (Job 33:20; Pro 23:6; Rev 18:14)

Dale (2) a valley (Gen 14:17; 2Sa 18:18)

Dam (4) a mother animal (Exo 22:30; Lev 22:27; Deu 22:6)

Damn(ation) (3) condemnation, judgment, or sentence (Mar 16:16; Rom 14:23; 2Th 2:12)

Damsel (43) a young unmarried woman or a girl (Gen 24:14; 1Ki 1:3)

Dandled (1) danced on the knee; fondled (Isa 66:12)

Darling (2) a term of endearment referring to a dearly loved person (Psa 22:20, Psa 35:17)

Dash To strike against; to beat towards (Luk 4:11)

Daub (1) to cover, coat, or plaster (Eze 13:11)

Daysman (1) a mediator, or arbitrator (Job 9:33)

Dayspring (2) day break; sunrise (Job 38:12; Luk 1:78)

Deal (9) a portion, share (Exo 29:40; Num 29:15)

Dearth (8) scarcity of rain; drought (Gen 41:54; 2Ki 4:38; Act 7:11)

Deceivableness (1) capable of being deceived (2Th 2:10)

Deck (12) to adorn, cover or clothe (Job 40:10; Jer 10:4; Pro 7:16)

Decline (11) to deviate, or turn aside (Exo 23:2; Deu 17:11; Psa 119:157)

Delectable (1) delightful, pleasing, or delicious (Isa 44:9)

Deliciously (1) a manner to please or gratify (Rev 18:7, Rev 18:9)

Delightsome (1) delightful, enjoyable, or pleasing (Mal 3:12)

Deputed (1) to assign, commit, or authorize (2Sa 15:3)

Deride (1) to mock in ridicule, scorn, or contempt (Hab 1:10)

Describe (3) divide, mark out (Jos 18:4, Jos 18:6)

Descry (1) spy out, describe, or discover (Jdg 1:23)

Despite (9) contempt, scorn, or spite (Eze 25:6; Rom 1:30; Mat 5:44)

Devotions (1) adoration, acts of worship, or praise (Act 17:23)

Diadem (4) royal head-dress (Job 29:14; Isa. 28:5; Eze 21:26)

Diet (2) daily allowance (Jer 52:34)

Disannul (5) to cancel, abolish, or nullify (Isa 14:27; Job 40:8; Gal 3:17)

Discomfited (9) to be defeated, overthrown, or frustrated (Exo 17:13; 1Sa 31:8)

Dispensation (4) dealing out; distribution (1Co 9:17; Eph 1:10; Col 1:25)

Disputation (2) an argument, debate, discussion, or controversy (Act 15:2; Rom 14:1)

Disquiet (8) disturb, trouble, and make restless (Jer 50:34; 1Sa 28:15; Pro 30:21)

Dissembled (3) to disguise, pretend, or act hypocritically (Gal 2:13; Psa 26:4; Pro 26:24)

Dissimulation (2) to pretend, hypocrisy or deception (Rom 12:9; Gal 2:13)

Distil (2) to drip or trickle down (Deu 32:2; Job 36:28)

Divers (37) different, diverse, varied (Deu 22:9; Jam 1:2)

Divination (12) foretelling future events; discovering things secret (Num 22:7; Deu 18:10)

Doctor (3) teacher, instructor (Luk 2:46, Luk 5:17; Act 5:34)

Doleful (2) sorrowful, mournful, or grieved (Isa 13:21; Mic 2:4)

Dote (7) to say or think foolishly (Jer 50:36; Eze 23:5; 1Ti 6:4)

Doth (207) do (Gen 3:5; Rev 19:11)

Doting (1) excessive fondness (1Ti 6:4)

Downsitting (1) sitting down (Psa 139:2)

Drams (6) a weight of measure (1Ch 29:7; Ezr 2:69; Neh 7:70)

Draught (5) to something derived or extracted (Luk 5:4, Luk 5:9), (3) a privy, bathroom, or sewer (2Ki 10:27; Mat 15:17)

Dromedary (4) a one hump camel (Jer 2:23; 1Ki 4:28; Est 8:10)

Duke (43) a chief, commander, leader (Gen 36:15; 1Ch 1:54)

Dulcimer (3) a stringed instrument (Dan 3:5, Dan 3:10, Dan 3:15)

Dung (28) manure, excrement, or anything morally filthy (Exo 29:14; Phi 3:8)

Dureth (1) to last, persist, endure, or continue in existence or state (Mat 13:21)

Durst (9) dare (Mar 12:34)


Word, Count, Definition, Reference(s) 

Habergeon (5) a sleeveless coat or jacket of armor (Exo 28:32; Job 41:26)

Haft (1) a handle (Jdg 3:22)

Hale (1) to draw, fetch, haul, or pull (Luk 12:58)

Hallow (36) to make holy, consecrated, or set apart (Exo 28:38; Eze 44:24)

Halt (9) lame or crippled (1Ki 18:21; Psa 38:17)

Handmaid (45) a female personal attendant, slave or servant (Gen 16:1; Luk 1:38)

Hap (7) to happen by chance, or accident (Rth 2:3, 1Sa 14:30; Mar 11:13)

Hard (6) close, near, or in close proximity (Lev 3:9; Jdg 9:52; 1Ki 21:1)

Hardly (8) with difficulty (Mat 19:23; Mar 10:23)

Hart (11) a male deer (Deu 12:15; Isa 35:6)

Haunt (3) a habit, custom, habitation, or place of frequent abode (1Sa 23:22; Eze 26:17)

Heady (1) to be headstrong, domineering, overbearing (2Ti 3:4)

Heath (2) open uncultivated land (Jer 17:6, Jer 48:6)
(1) a handle (Deu 19:5)

Hence (30) from this time forward, from this place forward (Gen 37:17)

Highminded (3) haughty, arrogant, or proud spirit (Rom 11:20; 1Ti 6:17; 2Ti 3:4)

Hin (22) about 1.5 gallons (Exo 30:24)

Hind (10) a female deer (Gen 49:21; Pro 5:19; Jer 14:5)

Hither (67) to or towards, up to this point (Gen 15:16; Rev 21:9)

Hitherto (18) until now, before (Joh 5:17; 1Co 3:2)

Hoar (4) old, aged, or white with age (Exo 16:14; 1Ki 2:6; Isa 46:4)

Holden (12) held (Psa 18:35; Luk 24:16)

Holpen (5) helped (Psa 86:17; Luk 1:54)

Homer (11) 10 ephahs or baths, about 80 gallons (Lev 27:16; Isa 5:10; Eze 45:11)

Hosanna (6) “save, we pray,” a shout of praise (Mat 21:9; Mar 11:10; Joh 12:13)

Hosen (1) articles of clothing to cover the legs (Dan 3:21)

Hough (1) to disable by cutting the tendons in the hind leg (Jos 11:6)

Howbeit (164) as it may, or nevertheless (Jdg 4:17; Heb 3:16)

Husbandry (2) the management of a household (2Ch 26:10; 1Co 3:9)


Word, Count, Definition, Reference(s)

Lade (13) to load; burden (Gen 45:17; 1Ki 12:11; Luk 11:46)

Lance (1) spear (Jer 50:42)

Lancets (1) a small spear, javelin, dart (1Ki 18:28)

Lapwing (2) a bird (a plover) (Lev 11:19; Deu 14:18)

Lasciviousness (6) to be lustful, licentious, lewd (Mar 7:22; 2Co 12:21; Gal 5:19)

Latchet (4) thong, lace (Mar 1:7; Luk 3:16; Joh 1:27)

Laud (1) to extol, praise, worship, or acclaim (Rom 15:11)

Laver (20) a basin, bowl, or other vessel used for washing (Exo 30:18; 2Ki 16:17)

Leasing (2) lying, falsehood, or deceit (Psa 4:2; Psa 5:6)

Leaven (23) yeast, fermented bread dough (Exo 12:15; Gal 5:9)

Lees (4) the deposits or sediment from a liquid; dregs (Isa 25:6; Jer 48:11; Zep 1:12)

Legion (4) three to five thousand (Mat 26:53)

Let (4) to hinder, prevent, or obstruct (Isa 43:13; Rom 1:13; 2Th 2:7)

Leviathan (2) aquatic animal; river or sea creature (Job 41:1; Psa 104:26)

Libertines (1) freed slaves (Act 6:9)

Licence (2) to give permission or authorization (Act 21:40, Act 25:16)

Lieutenants (4) provincial rulers (Ezr 8:36; Est 3:12)

Lign aloes (1) an aromatic wood (Num 24:6)

Liking (2) ones condition, whether good or bad (Job 39:4; Dan 1:10)

Listed (4) meaning pleases, desires (Mat 17:12; Mar 9:13; Joh 3:8)

Litters (1) a portable couch or bed (Isa 66:20)

Lively (3) living or to have life (Act 7:38; 1Pe 1:3, 1Pe 2:5)

Lordly (1) to be magnificent, noble, or grand (Jdg 5:25)

Lowring (1) gloomy, dark, threatening, or menacing (Mat 16:3)

Lucre (6) dishonorable or unlawful gain or advantage (1Sa 8:3; 1Ti 3:3; Tit 1:7)

Lunatick (2) one who is insane (Mat 4:24, Mat 17:15)

Lusty (1) vigorous, strong, lively or robust (Jdg 3:29)


Word, Count, Definition, Reference(s)

Painfulness (1) toil, labour (2Co 11:27)

Palsy (12) paralysis (Mat 4:24; Act 9:33)

Pangs (9) sharp pains (Isa 13:8; Mic 4:9)

Paps (4) nipples, breasts (Eze 23:21; Luk 11:27, Rev 1:13)

Paramours (1) a mistress, concubine, or illicit lover (Eze 23:20)

Pate (1) the crown of the head (Psa 7:16)

Patrimony (1) an inheritance from one’s father (Deu 18:8)

Peculiar (7) singular, particular; belonging exclusively to a person (Exo 19:5; Tit 2:14; 1Pe 2:9)

Pentecost (3) fiftieth day after passover (Act 2:1; 1Co 16:8)

Penury (2) to be destitute or in poverty (Pro 14:23; Luk 21:4)

Peradventure (32) perhaps; possibly (1Ki 18:27; Rom 5:7)

Perdition (8) damnation, destruction, or loss (Joh 17:12; Rev 17:11)

Pernicious (1) destructive, hurtful, or wicked (2Pe 2:2)

Phylacteries (1) small boxes containing texts of Scripture (Mat 23:5)

Pilled (2) to be peeled (Gen 30:37, Gen 30:38)

Plaiting (1) to braid, fold together, or weave (1Pe 3:3)

Plat (1) plot of ground (1Ki 9:26)

Platted (3) to be braided or weaved (Mat 27:29; Mar 15:17; Joh 19:2)

Poll (9) to count individually (Num 3:47; Eze 44:20; Mic 1:16)

Polled (1) cut hair (2Sa 14:26)

Pommels (3) a knob or ornamental ball (2Ch 4:12, 2Ch 4:13)

Port (1) gate, entry (Neh 2:13)

Post (2) messenger carrying letters (Job 9:25; 2Ch 30:6)

Potentate (1) a sovereign, king, dictator, or supreme ruler (1Ti 6:15)

Potsherd (4) piece of broken pottery (Psa 22:15; Isa 45:9)

Pottage (7) porridge, stew, or thick soup (Gen 25:29; Hag 2:12)

Pound (15) a weight of silver (1Ki 10:17; Joh 19:39)

Prating (3) foolish, boastful, or vain talk (Pro 10:8, Pro 10:10; 3Jo 1:10)

Presbytery (1) assembly of elders (1Ti 4:14)

Presently (6) immediately (Pro 12:16; Mat 26:53)

Press (3) crowd of people (Mar 2:4, Mar 5:27; Luk 8:19, Luk 19:3)

Prevent (7) to go before, or preceed (Job 3:12; 1Th 4:15)

Prey (71) booty, spoil (Num 31:12, Num 31:26)

Pricks (3) goads for driving cattle (Num 33:55; Act 9:5, Act 26:14)

Privily (15) secretly; privately (Jdg 9:31; Mat 1:19)

Privy (4) to have knowledge of (Jdg 9:31; 2Pe 2:1)

Profane (13) common, unholy; to dishonor (Eze 42:20; Mal 2:11)

Progenitors (1) ancestors or forefathers (Gen 49:26)

Prognosticators (1) one who predicts, forecast, or foretells (Isa 47:13)

Proselyte (2) convert to Judaism (Mat 23:15; Act 2:10, Act 13:43)

Prove (12) to test or try (Exo 16:4; 1Ti 3:10)

Provender (7) animal feed (Gen 24:25; Isa 30:24)

Psaltery (13) a type of harp; stringed instrument (1Sa 10:5; Dan 3:15)

Publican (6) a tax collector (Mat 10:3, Mat 18:17; Luk 5:27)

Pulse (3) grain, seed, or beans used as food (2Sa 17:28; Dan 1:12, 16)

Purloining (1) stealing; theft (Tit 2:10)

Purtenance (1) the intestines of an animal (Exo 12:9)

Putrifying (1) to rot, decay; to stink (Isa 1:6)

Pygarg (1) an antelope with a white rump (Deu 14:5)


Word, Count, Definition, Reference(s)

Tabering (1) the beating or striking of anything (Nah 2:7)

Tabernacle (328) tent, dwelling (Exo 39:32; Mat 17:4)

Table (2) writing tablet (Luk 1:63; 2Co 3:3)

Tablets (3) ornaments, necklace, jewelry (Exo 35:22; Num 31:50; Isa 3:20)

Taches (10) fasteners; hooks (Exo 26:6, Exo 39:33)

Tale (4) a number or quantity (Exo 5:8, Exo 5:18; 1Sa 18:27; 1Ch 9:28)

Talent (65) OT: 3,000 shekels, 94 Lbs (Exo 38:24); NT: 60 pounds (Luk 19:13)

Tares (8) any kind of weed (Mat 13:25)

Targets (3) a small shield or buckler (1Sa 17:6; 1Ki 10:16; 2Ch 9:15)

Teats (3) the nipple on the breast (Isa 32:12; Eze 23:3, Eze 23:21)

Teil (1) the linden or lime tree (Isa 6:13)

Tell (3) to count, reckon, or name numerically (Gen 15:5; Psa 22:17, Psa 48:12)

Tempt (14) try, test (Gen 22:1; Mat 4:7)

Teraphim (6) idols, images, or gods (Jdg 17:5, Jdg 18:14, Jdg 18:17, Jdg 18:18, Jdg 18:20; Hos 3:4)

Terrestrial (2) earthly, worldly; pertaining to land (1Co 15:40)

Tetrarch (7) one of four rulers (Mat 14:1; Luk 1:1; Act 13:1)

Thee (3825) the second person, singular pronoun; you (Gen 3:11; Rev 21:9)

Thence (145) from that time, date, or place (Gen 2:10; 2Co 2:13)

Thine (932) the possessive case of the second person (Gen 13:14 Exo 4:4; Rev 3:18)

Thither (95) there, toward that place (Gen 29:30; Act 25:4)

Thou (5473) personal pronoun of the second person singular (Gen 2:16; Jam 2:22; Rev 22:9)

Thought (1) anxiety; worry (Mat 6:25)

Thrice (15) three times in succession (Exo 34:23; 2Co 12:8)

Thy (4809) second person, singular pronoun (Gen 13:10; Rev 22:9)

Thyine (1) wood from the thya tree (Rev 18:12)

Timbrel (10) a small drum or tambourine (Ex.15:20; Job 21:12; Psa 81:2)

Tire (3) apparel, clothing, a head-dress (Eze 24:17)

Tithe (27) a tenth (Deu 14:22; Luk 11:42)

Tittle (2) the marks in writing (Mat 5:18; Luk 16:17)

Tow (3) the fibers of flax (Jdg 16:9; Isa 1:31, Isa 43:17)

Traffick (5) to trade, engage in commerce (Gen 42:34; 1Ki 10:15; Eze 17:4)

Translate (5) to transfer, convey, transport (Heb 11:5; Col 1:13; Heb 11:5)

Travail (5) work, labour (Gen 38:27; Isa 53:11)

Trespass (82) sin, transgress (Gen 50:17; Mat 18:15)

Trow (1) trust, believe, accept (Luk 17:9)

Turtle (12) turtle-dove (Lev 12:8; Son 2:12; Jer 8:7)

Twain (17) two (1Sa 18:21; Eph 2:15)

Twined (21) to be twisted, wrapped, or plaited together (Exo 26:1, Exo 39:29)


Word, Count, Definition, Reference(s)

Ye (3983) you (Gen 3:1; Rev 19:18)

Yea (340) yes (Gen 3:1; Rev 14:13)

Yokefellow (1) a person yoked or associated with another (Phi 4:3)

Yonder (7) over there, that location (Gen 22:5; Num 16:37; Mat 17:20)

The sources of this list are primarily Webster’s English Dictionary (1828, 1913) and Wright’s Bible Word-Book (1876). We thank the owner of the Preserved Word website for allowing us to reformat and republish this information.

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