How do I get there?
Our building is located at 850 Clark St. in Reedsburg. It is about 20 minutes southwest of the Wisconsin Dells. [map]
What time should I arrive?
Plan to arrive around 10:15 a.m. so you have time to get settled. The service begins promptly at 10:30 a.m. If you arrive late, just wave at the security camera. An usher will unlock the door.
Is your building accessible?
Yes, fully. There is hanidcap parking and no stairs. If you require special assistance, pull up under the covered entrance and sound your horn. Someone will come out to help.
What is the service like?
Reverent and orderly. Elements include: the singing of Psalms and Hymns accompanied by piano or organ, the reading and preaching of scripture, the offering of prayers, and administration of the Lord’s Supper. The service lasts about an hour.
What’s the preaching like?
The Pastor explains and applies the text of scripture with a view to impart doctrine and impact the heart. Samples can be found at this page. You can also hear his sermons on 89.5 FM each Sunday at 7 AM & PM.
What should I wear?
This is where most modern churches say, “Whatever you want! We just want you to be comfortable!” Well, we want you to be comfortable too, so you should probably know that most wear their “Sunday best” because they see worship as a special event.
Who will be there?
We have 72 members and they represent a good balance between young and old, white collar and blue collar, etc. They also come from a variety of church backgrounds (i.e., Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Baptist, etc.). By the way, there are usually plenty of children present. Which leads to this question:
Is there child care?
There is a cry room and nursing room, but we do not provide a “nursery service” or “children’s church” because we prefer to worship together as families. But don’t worry. If you have your hands full and need some help, one of our young ladies will be happy to assist.
What if I didn’t bring lunch?
No problem. Either plan on joining us for fellowship next time or stay anyway. You will find that our members are always happy to share. Besides, the main point of our fellowship time is fellowship (not food).
What happens after lunch?
We reconvene at 12:30 pm to sing, pray together, and study the Bible. Our afternoon service is ordinarilly dismissed by 1:30 p.m.
What if I’m not ready to visit?
If you are totally freaked out about walking into a church for some reason, you can park outside (within a few hundred feet) and listen to the service live on 90.1 FM.