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Historical Quotes on Abortion

Historical Quotes on Abortion

While it is easy to think that abortion is a “modern” problem, it needs to be acknowledged that women have been murdering their children from time immemorial. Written records of herbal, chemical, mechanical, and surgical abortion techniques have been discovered dating...

Bonhoeffer on Abortion

Dietrich Bonhoeffer [AD 1906-1945] was a German Lutheran Pastor, Theologian, and founding member of the Confessing Church. The quote below demonstrates his clarity of thought and pastoral love for those under his care. Marriage involves acknowledgement of the...

Calvin on Abortion

John Calvin [AD 1509-1564] was a french theologian who became a prominent leader during the protestant reformation of the sixteenth century. He wrote a commentary on almost every book in the Bible and below is his explanation of the phrase, “If men strive, and hurt a...

Boniface on Abortion

Boniface [ AD 680-754], also known as the Apostle of the Germans, was a Christian missionary who spread the gospel throughout the Frankish Empire during the 8th century. Below is the introduction to one of the fifteen sermons that remain in existence. In it, he lists...

Augustine on Abortion

Augustine [AD 354-430] was the Bishop of Hippo Regius and one of the most influential theologians in Western Christendom. Below is an excerpt from one of his moral treatises which explanations some of the abortion-specific applications of the doctrine of the...

Jerome on Abortion

Jerome [c. AD 347-420] was a Latin theologian, historian, and apologist for the Christian faith. He is best known for translating the Bible into Latin. Below is an excerpt from one of his pastoral letters in which he reproves wanton women for their immodesty,...