(608) 495-9220 [email protected]
Class: Systematic Theology

Class: Systematic Theology

Christians need a firm doctrinal foundation in these last days, but few have the inclination or ability to work through a multi-volume systematic theology. Pastor McShaffrey will seek to remedy this problem by offering a comprehensive systematic theology class on...
Men’s Book Discussion

Men’s Book Discussion

Speculation abounds about the last days, but what did Jesus believe and teach about the timing of his return? Join the men of the church every other Saturday morning at 10:00 am as they discuss RC Sproul’s book: The Last Days According To Jesus For more information,...
Study: Ecclesiastes

Study: Ecclesiastes

Ever felt a sense of the seemingly monotonous pace of life under the sun? You wake up, leave the house, sit in traffic, work at a job, come home, eat and relax, go to bed, and start all over again the next morning… Apart from God, all this might seem pointless, but...
Study: The Afterlife

Study: The Afterlife

Everyone knows that men die. All Christians believe their bodies will be raised again on the last day. But what happens in between? Join us on Sunday afternoons at 12:30 pm as Elder Kirkham explains what the scriptures teach concerning the intermediate...
Study: Hope For Israel?

Study: Hope For Israel?

Israel — The word occurs over two-thousand times in holy scripture and I’m sure if you counted mention of the same word in our daily media, you would arrive at a similarly high number. But what exactly is Israel? A people? A parcel of land? A modern nation-state? Or...
Study: When I Survey

Study: When I Survey

The saving work on the cross is central to our Christian faith. Historically speaking, however, Christians have understood the nature and efficacy of his work with some slightly different emphases. Join us this Sunday at 12:30 pm for our family instruction hour as we...