Pastor, What Are You Giving Up For Lent?
February 13, 2024Question: Pastor, what are you giving up for Lent?
Answer: I am going to abstain from all extra-biblical practices and outward expressions of “personal piety” that Jesus said should be done in secret.
Seriously though (and sorry for the partially-sanctified snark), below are some links that should help you understand why Reformed people do not observe the Roman Catholic tradition called Lent. [H/T R. Scott Clark]
Contemporary Authors
Ash Wednesday: Picking and Choosing our Piety by Carl Trueman
“Relevance” Leads Back To Rome by R. Scott Clark
Playing with Lenten Fire by D. G. Hart
Repent of Lent: How Spiritual Disciplines Can Be Bad for Your Soul by Brian Lee
On Lent And Sola Scriptura by The Reformed Pubcast