(608) 495-9220 [email protected]
Class: Systematic Theology

Class: Systematic Theology

Christians need a firm doctrinal foundation in these last days, but few have the inclination or ability to work through a multi-volume systematic theology. Pastor McShaffrey will seek to remedy this problem by offering a comprehensive systematic theology class on...
Arminianism and Hyper-calvinism

Arminianism and Hyper-calvinism

In spite of the formal similarity between Calvinism and Hyper-Calvinism, Hyper-Calvinism has much in common with Arminianism. In fact, Arminianism and Hyper-Calvinism appear to be “alter egos” of the same problem. This is illustrated by an examination of...
Study: When I Survey

Study: When I Survey

The saving work on the cross is central to our Christian faith. Historically speaking, however, Christians have understood the nature and efficacy of his work with some slightly different emphases. Join us this Sunday at 12:30 pm for our family instruction hour as we...
Study: The Doctrines of Grace

Study: The Doctrines of Grace

The doctrines of grace (a.k.a. TULIP) are oft debated, but have never been debunked. That’s because they are biblical. Join us next Wednesday as Pastor McShaffrey explains these doctrines and equips you to do the same. Consider inviting a friend who may never have...