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Calling A Nation Back To The Bible

Calling A Nation Back To The Bible

Many Pastors today have nothing much to say to their nation, but the late D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones most certainly did. In 1961, he issued an impassioned plea to the people of his land to return to the only book that provides trustworthy answers to all of life’s most...
Kooks Not Welcome

Kooks Not Welcome

By Christian McShaffrey As I sipped my morning coffee on a brisk November morn, I reviewed the day’s schedule and noticed one appointment that iCalendar had scheduled without my consent: Election DayIgnoring that intrusion for the moment, I proceeded to browse the...
Memorial Day Service

Memorial Day Service

Our Pastor, Christian McShaffrey, had the honor of offering the invocation and benediction at the Reedsburg community Memorial Day service held at Greenwood Cemetery. One of our members, Commander Jesse Arias, delivered the main...
Conservatism: Salt without Savor

Conservatism: Salt without Savor

A quote from Robert L. Dabney (1820-1898)American, Presbyterian, Pastor, and Theologian It may be inferred again that the present movement for women’s rights will certainly prevail from the history of its only opponent, Northern conservatism. This is a party which...
Study: Just War Theory

Study: Just War Theory

“Just War Theory” is an attempt to bring moral and ethical principles to bear upon the conflict that so often occurs between nations. Beginning with Aristotle and then Cicero, the subject has been studied extensively, but it was only in the Christian era, that men...