Our church began in the Fall of 1999 as a few families began to meet together each week for Bible study and prayer. They had been traveling to the nearest reformed church, Providence Presbyterian, in Madison each Sunday.
Being such a long commute, they began wondering whether God would have them start a church in Reedsburg.
After committing the matter to serious prayer, and after having sought counsel from the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (our present denomination), this core group was granted “mission work” status.
In the early years of our church plant, retired ministers and student preachers from Mid-America Reformed Seminary would visit each week to lead worship and preach.
One of those student preachers, Christian McShaffrey, was invited to stay for a summer internship upon his graduation.
His presence granted greater continuity to our teaching ministry and a strong relationship developed between us. We invited him to move his family to Reedsburg and help us plant this church.
Our intern was ordained as an Evangelist by the Presbytery of the Midwest in Spring of this year. This also entitled us to receive financial support from the denomination.
This was a year of great encouragement for us. God showed himself most faithful to add members and to begin raising up men who were qualified to lead.
This was a “big year” for our church. The building we rented sold and we needed to find somewhere new to meet.
God provided for this need most graciously by granting us the opportunity to rent from First Presbyterian Church. The architecture, stained glass, and pipe organ enhanced the beauty of our worship significantly.
This was the year we were formally organized as a church.
After a year of training, three men were ordained to the office of Ruling Elder and our Evangelist was installed as our Pastor. Together, these men began sharpening our vision for ministry and leading our young church in a God-honoring direction.
While having a teacher and governors is essential, no church is complete without Deacons. Therefore, we rejoiced as our first two Deacons were ordained in the summer of this year.
In June of this year, the elders decided “To lead the congregation out of the rental relationship First Presbyterian Church and into the next chapter of our sojourning together as God’s pilgrim people.” Three months later, we began renting the Reedsburg Township Hall.
In February of this year, the elders decided to pursue the purchase of our first church building. God provided in marvelous ways and we moved in on August 4th. To mark this milestone, we also changed the name of our church to Five Solas.
After our 5-year mortgage reset, the elders discussed the possibility of paying off the $80K balance in full. By year’s end, our ability to do so was confirmed and the decision was made. We’re debt free!

Establishing a new church in a religiously-saturated culture is hard work. It also involves much heart-ache. People come and people go. Furthermore, we acknowledge that there is still much work to be done.
One thing we have learned together over the years is this: Christ’s promise is true: “I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” We cling to that promise and it continues to encourage us in the ongoing work of ministry.
There will be an established reformed church in Reedsburg for our children and grandchildren. For that, we praise God.