All the Bible’s teaching points to the death of Jesus. Neither his perfect life nor his marvelous teaching nor his powerful miracles are the focus of the Bible’s message. These are all important, but above all else Jesus came into the world to die.
What makes his death so important? The answer is that he died as a Substitute, a Sin-bearer and a Saviour.
Jesus the Substitute – This demonstrates the love of God. Sinners are guilty, lost and helpless in the face of God’s holy law, which demands punishment for every sin. How can they possibly escape God’s righteous wrath?
The Bible’s answer is this: God commendeth his love towards us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
As part of an amazing rescue plan God the Son volunteered to take the place of sinners and bear the just penalty for their sin. The sinless Son of God willingly suffered and died for them, the just for the unjust.
Jesus the Sin Bearer – This demonstrates the holiness of God. There was nothing ‘faked’ about Christ’s death. The penalty for the sins of others was paid in full by the death of God’s sinless Son.
As he hung on the cross he cried out, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? At that terrible moment God the Father turned his back on his beloved Son, who then endured the penalty of separation from God.
Notice how this shows God’s perfect holiness. All sin, every sin, must be punished – and when Jesus took the place of sinners he became as accountable for their sins as if he had been responsible for them.
The one man who lived a perfect life suffered the double death penalty of the guilty.
Jesus the Saviour – This demonstrates the power of God. Three days after his death, Christ was declared to be the Son of God with power according to the spirit of holiness by the resurrection from the dead.
He showed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs and Christ dieth no more; death hath no more dominion over him.
In raising Christ from the dead, God powerfully demonstrated that he accepted his death in the place of sinners as the full and perfect payment of sin’s penalty and as the basis on which he can offer a full and free pardon to those who would otherwise be doomed to spend eternity in hell.
But how does this apply to you? How can you get right with God? How can Christ become your Saviour?