In our walk with God, there are two paths to avoid: Legalism & Libertinism
Legalism is an attempt to produce godliness through rule-keeping and Libertinism is an abuse of the liberty which we have in Christ.
God calls us to a better and more balanced way: This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. (Galatians 5:16)
During the summer months of 2014 we studied the various aspects of the Fruit of the Spirit and here share the outlines for your personal use:
Walking in Love
Identifying the Fruit
- Word: ag-ah’-pay
- Definition: Self-sacrificial affection
- Scripture: John 15:9-17
Cultivating the Heart
- Uproot the noxious weed of selfishness
- Till the ground by meditating on God’s love
- Water the soil with scripture and prayer
Walking the Walk
- Love is manifest in keeping God’s commands
- Love is more of a choice than a feeling
- Love is our greatest witness to the world
Walking in Joy
Identifying the Fruit
- Word: khar-ah’
- Definition: A felt awareness of God’s favor
- Scripture: Philippians 4:4-7
Cultivating the Heart
- Uproot the noxious weed of anxiety
- Till the ground with prayer and supplication
- Water the soil with the giving of thanks
Walking the Walk
- Joy is evoked by praise and worship
- Joy is enjoyed through daily obedience
- Joy is experienced even in hardship
Walking in Peace
Identifying the Fruit
- Word: i-ray’-nay
- Definition: A sense of wholeness or harmony
- Scripture: Numbers 6:24-26
Cultivating the Heart
- Uproot the noxious weed of unbelief
- Till the ground with God’s promises
- Water the soil with trust, faith, and obedience
Walking the Walk
- Peace is outpoured from heaven above
- Peace is extended horizontally to others
- Peace is able to guard the heart and mind
Walking with Longsuffering
Identifying the Fruit
- Word: makro-thoo-mee’-ah
- Definition: Suffering much (i.e., without sinning)
- Scripture: 1 Peter 2:18-25
Cultivating the Heart
- Uproot the noxious weeds of pride and wrath
- Till the ground with study of God’s longsuffering
- Water the soil with much prayer (Col. 1:9-11)
Walking the Walk
- Long-suffering presupposes conflict (c.f., context)
- Long-suffering prevents the loss of our temper
- Long-suffering proves the Holy Spirit’s presence
Walking in Kindness
Identifying the Fruit
- Word: khray-stot’-ace
- Definition: To be “easy” going or “useful”
- Scripture: 2 Samuel 9:1-13
Cultivating the Heart
- Uproot the noxious weed of unapproachableness
- Till the ground with thoughts of God’s kindness
- Water the soil with practical acts of selflessness
Walking the Walk
- Kindness is absent in natural man (Rom. 3:12)
- Kindness is assumes a family bond (root: kin)
- Kindness is adapted to each particular need
Walking in Goodness
Identifying the Fruit
- Word: ag-ath-o-soo’-nay
- Definition: Uprightness of heart and life
- Scripture: Galatians 6:9-10
Cultivating the Heart
- Uproot the noxious weed of weariness
- Till the ground with thoughts of reaping
- Water the soil with daily acts of goodness
Walking the Walk
- Goodness is dependent on regeneration
- Goodness is demonstrated outwardly
- Goodness is defined by God commands
Walking in Faithfulness
Identifying the Fruit
- Word: pis’-tis
- Definition: Personal Reliability
- Scripture: Proverbs 20:6, 25:19, 28:20
Cultivating the Heart
- Uproot the noxious weed of excuses
- Till the ground with sensible commitments
- Water the soil with promises promptly kept
Walking the Walk
- Faithfulness is reflective of Christ
- Faithfulness is refreshing to others
- Faithfulness is rewarded in the end
Walking in Meekness
Identifying the Fruit
- Word: prah-oo’-tace
- Definition: Unassuming strength
- Scripture: Numbers 12:3
Cultivating the Heart
- Uproot the noxious weed of personal wrath
- Till the ground with deep humility under God
- Water the soil with unshakable convictions
Walking the Walk
- Meekness appears as weakness to others
- Meekness opposes iniquity when necessary
- Meekness inherits the earth in the end
Walking with Self-control
Identifying the Fruit
- Word: eng-krat’-i-ah
- Definition: Power over one’s impulses
- Scripture: Proverbs 25:28, 16:32, 23:21
Cultivating the Heart
- Uproot the noxious weed of indulgence
- Till the ground by identifying weak areas
- Water the soil with personal commitments
Walking the Walk
- Self-control may require initial abstinence
- Self-control moves toward careful moderation
- Self-control masters the lust of the flesh