(608) 495-9220 [email protected]

This Sunday

Joint Service Between

Five Solas Church (Reedsburg)


Monroe County OPC (Kendall)



“O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the Lord our maker.” (Psalm 95:6)

11:00 AM Worship Service

12:30 PM Fellowship Meal


The seating area to the East will be reserved for those wishing to maintain social distance protocols.


Pastor Christian McShaffrey will present “A Strategic Survival Plan for Christian Living in Such Strange Times as These” (Jeremiah 29:1-14).


We will be singing from the Trinity Hymnal (Rev. ed.): # 2, 731, 153, 353, 431. You can listen to the tunes at this page.


The reception of offerings in the service is intended for Kendall members. Reedsburg members may give their local church offerings next Sunday.


We will be receiving nineteen communicant members onto the Monroe Co. OPC membership roll during the service.


A grape juice and a gluten-free option will be made available in the center of the communion trays.


All are welcome to join us for a fellowship meal in the lower level after the worship service. Please bring a side dish and/or dessert to share.

Have a Question?

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Kelly and Christian McShaffrey

Kelly and Christian McShaffrey