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What is Theonomy?

What is Theonomy?

Question: I have occasionally heard the word “Theonomy” used in conversations at church. What does that word mean? Answer: Since there are many different opinions of what “Theonomy” is, it would probably be most fair to allow one of the...
Free Course on Van Til

Free Course on Van Til

“It is impossible for the mind of man to function except in an atmosphere of revelation. And every thought of man when it functioned normally in this atmosphere of revelation would express the truth as laid in the creation by God. We may therefore call a...
What is a presupposition?

What is a presupposition?

A “presupposition” is an elementary assumption in one’s reasoning or in the process by which opinions are formed. … a “presupposition” is not just any assumption in an argument, but a personal commitment that is held at the most basic level of one’s network of...
The Received Text

The Received Text

By R. J. RushdoonyJune 01, 1997 When I was a student, I heard a lecture on the Bible by an ostensibly orthodox Biblical scholar which was very disappointing. He insisted on arguing from within the ranks of the critics and with a ready acceptance of their...