by Christian | Mar 12, 2021 | Apologetics, Bible Versions
Someone named Scott posted a comment to a Facebook Ad promoting our upcoming conference and a brief-but-spirited exchange followed between him and Pastor McShaffrey. Our Facebook admin deleted the conversation from below the ad because it did not appear as a proper...
by Christian | Oct 8, 2020 | Apologetics, Bible Versions
The Christian philosophy of Dr. Cornelius Van Til was a major influence in my acceptance of the Textus Receptus as the authentic text of the Greek New Testament. As I first surveyed the critical apparatus of the NA27, I would have become lost...
by Christian | Jan 4, 2020 | Bible Versions, Reviews
A New Approach to Textual Criticism: An Introduction to the Coherence-Based Genealogical Method, by Tommy Wasserman and Peter J. Gurry. SBL Press & Deutsche Bibel Gesellschaft. Paperback, 146 pages, list price $19.95. Reviewed by Pastor Christian...