by Christian | Apr 22, 2021 | Ask the Pastor, Word Studies, Worship
Question: Some recent visitors were pretty vocal during the sermon, saying “Amen” on occasion. I know this is largely a matter of differing traditions, but it got me thinking: Should we have more — or less — of that in Reformed churches?...
by Christian | Apr 14, 2021 | Civic, Sermons
Last June, Pastor McShaffrey began his sermon with these words: “This summer season has become a season of social unrest. The frequency and intensity of protesting and violence in our city streets has steadily increased over the past several years and many are...
by Christian | Jun 15, 2020 | Civic, Sermons
The Theology of Riots: Part I A Sermon on Proverbs 1:1-19 Preached on June 14, 2020 At Five Solas Church (OPC) By the Rev. Christian McShaffrey Click here to listen This summer season has become a season of social unrest. The frequency and intensity of protesting and...
by Christian | May 31, 2020 | Sermons
It has been a strange year and it’s not even half over. A near war with Iran, an impeachment trial, the UK left the EU, a global pandemic, unprecedented societal lockdown, economic collapse, riots in the streets, cities are burning this morning… strange times indeed....