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Repost: The Theology of Riots

Repost: The Theology of Riots

Last June, Pastor McShaffrey began his sermon with these words: “This summer season has become a season of social unrest. The frequency and intensity of protesting and violence in our city streets has steadily increased over the past several years and many are...
The Theology of Riots: Part I

The Theology of Riots: Part I

The Theology of Riots: Part I A Sermon on Proverbs 1:1-19 Preached on June 14, 2020  At Five Solas Church (OPC) By the Rev. Christian McShaffrey Click here to listen This summer season has become a season of social unrest. The frequency and intensity of protesting and...

Sermon: COVID Can’t Divide Us

It has been a strange year and it’s not even half over. A near war with Iran, an impeachment trial, the UK left the EU, a global pandemic, unprecedented societal lockdown, economic collapse, riots in the streets, cities are burning this morning… strange times indeed....