by Christian | Aug 26, 2021 | Ask the Pastor, Word Studies
Question: I came across the curious phrase “confusion of faces” while reading Daniel chapter 9. What does it mean? Answer: The expression “confusion of faces” is a significant one. It is the confession of a godly man, and the beginning of his...
by Christian | May 21, 2021 | Culture, Devotional
How do you get vegetables out of your garden? By planting vegetables, of course. This is a fact almost too obvious to mention, except for the fact that most people seem to have forgotten that you reap what you sow and you harvest what you plant, “for whatsoever a man...
by Christian | Oct 8, 2020 | Apologetics, Bible Versions
The Christian philosophy of Dr. Cornelius Van Til was a major influence in my acceptance of the Textus Receptus as the authentic text of the Greek New Testament. As I first surveyed the critical apparatus of the NA27, I would have become lost...
by Christian | Dec 16, 2012 | Bible Versions
By R. J. RushdoonyJune 01, 1997 When I was a student, I heard a lecture on the Bible by an ostensibly orthodox Biblical scholar which was very disappointing. He insisted on arguing from within the ranks of the critics and with a ready acceptance of their...
by Christian | Dec 16, 2002 | Bible Versions
By William O. EinwechterJune 01, 1997 Without question, the Authorized (King James) Version of the Bible reigns supreme as the most extensively used and influential English translation of the Word of God that there has ever been. It was essentially the only...