by Christian | Feb 13, 2024 | Ask the Pastor
Pastor, What Are You Giving Up For Lent? February 13, 2024 Question: Pastor, what are you giving up for Lent? Answer: I am going to abstain from all extra-biblical practices and outward expressions of “personal piety” that Jesus said should be done in secret....
by Christian | Dec 21, 2023 | Ethics, Evangelistic
An Open Letter To Local Catholics December 21, 2023 From the Rev. Christian McShaffrey, M.Div. Dear Catholic neighbor, Last Monday, the Vatican approved the practice of blessing sin. What are you going to do now? As a brief aside, I was once a Catholic. I was...
by Christian | Aug 30, 2020 | Heresies, Sacraments
By the Rev. Dr. Francis Nigel Lee Caldwell-Morrow Professor in Church History Queensland Presbyterian Theological College Brisbane, Australia, 2000 First. Together with Holy Scripture, I assert the real presence of Christ, personally, at His Sacraments and in His Word...
by Christian | Jan 1, 2020 | Bible Versions
“Imprimatur” is a Latin word that literally means, “Let it be printed.” In the world of Roman Catholicism, this word is printed on books that a Bishop has confirmed as being “free of doctrinal error” and therefore approved for publication. At one point in...
by Christian | Dec 22, 2016 | Ask the Pastor, Newspaper, Word Studies
I have been asked more than once (and have also overheard many heated debates) about the modern “Christmas VS Holiday” controversy. Most Christians get immediately offended when the word “Holiday” is substituted for “Christmas”...