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Repost: The Theology of Riots

Repost: The Theology of Riots

Last June, Pastor McShaffrey began his sermon with these words: “This summer season has become a season of social unrest. The frequency and intensity of protesting and violence in our city streets has steadily increased over the past several years and many are...
The Theology of Riots: Part II

The Theology of Riots: Part II

The Theology of Riots: Part II A Sermon on Proverbs 1:20-33 Preached on June 21, 2020  At Five Solas Church (OPC) By the Rev. Christian McShaffrey Click here to listen Review: In my previous sermon on Proverbs 1:1-19, I set forth the proposition that riots occur where...
The Theology of Riots: Part II

The Theology of Riots: Part I

The Theology of Riots: Part I A Sermon on Proverbs 1:1-19 Preached on June 14, 2020  At Five Solas Church (OPC) By the Rev. Christian McShaffrey Click here to listen This summer season has become a season of social unrest. The frequency and intensity of protesting and...
The Theology of Riots: Part II

Sermons: A Theology of Riots

Our nation is falling apart and many Christians are confused. This is due, at least in part, to rampant biblical illiteracy. God has told us why the feet of fools run to evil and how those who fear God should respond. Another cause for so much of the confusion is this...