by Christian | Feb 6, 2025 | Ecclesiology
Looking for a Church in Reedsburg? Are you looking for a church that is true to the Bible and still speaks to the needs of our day? Your search will most likely be complicated because there are so many churches from which to choose: Trinity Baptist, St. Peters, St....
by Christian | Feb 13, 2024 | Ask the Pastor
Pastor, What Are You Giving Up For Lent? February 13, 2024 Question: Pastor, what are you giving up for Lent? Answer: I am going to abstain from all extra-biblical practices and outward expressions of “personal piety” that Jesus said should be done in secret....
by Christian | Dec 29, 2023 | Ask the Pastor, Evangelistic
Pastor McShaffrey responds to a recurring theme in the comment section of his Facebook post “A Open Letter to Reedsburg Catholics”: “God hates the sin, not the sinner.” This slogan has always been very popular in evangelical churches and, apparently, it is...
by Christian | Dec 21, 2023 | Ethics, Evangelistic
An Open Letter To Local Catholics December 21, 2023 From the Rev. Christian McShaffrey, M.Div. Dear Catholic neighbor, Last Monday, the Vatican approved the practice of blessing sin. What are you going to do now? As a brief aside, I was once a Catholic. I was...
by Christian | Dec 17, 2023 | Evangelistic, Outreach
Tired of Christmas Shenanigans? Come Worship With us ’Tis the season for family get-togethers, gift giving, and general merriment; but not for substituting skits, plays, and other forms of entertainment for worship. The same thing goes for all the “high church”...