(608) 495-9220 [email protected]
The Pastor’s UK Trip

The Pastor’s UK Trip

Many have asked about Pastor McShaffrey’s recent teaching trip to the United Kingdom. He was invited by the Trinitarian Bible Society to lecture at two conferences, but also had a other opportunities to teach. The recordings are posted below: The Doctrine of...
God Hates the Sin, Not the Sinner?

God Hates the Sin, Not the Sinner?

Pastor McShaffrey responds to a recurring theme in the comment section of his Facebook post “A Open Letter to Reedsburg Catholics”: “God hates the sin, not the sinner.” This slogan has always been very popular in evangelical churches and, apparently, it is...
Kept Pure Conference: Audio

Kept Pure Conference: Audio

The Kept Pure In All Ages Conference was hosted by our church on November 3-4, 2023 with speakers Christian McShaffrey, Dane Jóhannsson, and Jeffrey Riddle. The audio recordings are posted below and the videos will be added in due time.   1. Christian McShaffrey:...
Memorial Day Service

Memorial Day Service

Our Pastor, Christian McShaffrey, had the honor of offering the invocation and benediction at the Reedsburg community Memorial Day service held at Greenwood Cemetery. One of our members, Commander Jesse Arias, delivered the main...
Which TR?

Which TR?

In a recent episode of James White’s Dividing Line program, our Pastor was scolded for getting defensive and for failing to answer the now infamous “Which TR?” question. He did, in fact, answer the question very directly in the Greenville Presbyterian Theological...