by Christian | Feb 25, 2022 | Bible Versions, Theology
We offer this select bibliography to those who are interested in learning more about the traditional text of the Greek New Testament and the doctrine of providential preservation. The list is not exhaustive, but should be sufficient to get you started in your study....
by Christian | Apr 5, 2015 | Theology
Roughly translated “enthusiasts”, this English equivalent no longer has the punch it once delivered. Today, “fanatics” would communicate more of the meaning of the German. They are sometimes referred to as those of the “Radical Reformation.” I choose to refer to them...
by Christian | Mar 10, 2009 | Bible Versions
There was a general consensus among the Protestant dogmaticians of the seventeenth century that the apographa were inspired and authoritative. This position was a deliberate response to the Council of Trent and the Roman Catholic Counter-Reformation theologians. While...
by Christian | Oct 5, 1997 | Bible Versions, Reviews
A review article by G. I. Williamson A New Hearing for The Authorized Version (second edition, 1997) by Theodore P. Letis, Ph.D., 34 pages. Published by The Institute for Renaissance and Reformation Studies, 6417 N. Fairhill, Philadelphia, PA 19126. Price...