by Christian | Dec 29, 2022 | Ethics, Worship
During the final weeks of every year, visual images of our Lord Jesus Christ seem to be everywhere. From Christmas cards to commercial advertisements, it is nearly impossible to avoid seeing a barrage of pictures of Jesus in the manger during the holiday season. Of...
by Christian | Jul 6, 2021 | Theology, Word Studies
A study in the history of doctrine anent God’s name JHVH By the Rev. Prof. Dr. Francis Nigel Lee Above is a picture of part of a stained-glass window such as is occasionally found in some mediaeval churches. A friend once asked about the meaning of God’s...
by Christian | Jan 29, 2012 | Bible Studies
Pastor McShaffrey taught an apologetics class entitled “Understanding Islam” during our Family Instruction Hour in the winter of 2011-12. Study guides are available below: 1. Father Abraham – Exploring the shared historical and genealogical roots of...
by Christian | Jun 17, 2011 | Word Studies
According to John’s gospel, the last words of Jesus were “It is finished!” That phrase is actually one word in the original Greek: tetelestai. The root of this word is “teleo” which means “to complete” or “bring to an end” and while the word may be unfamiliar to us,...