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Household Baptism Debate

Household Baptism Debate

James White (Pastor of a Reformed Baptist church in Phoenix, AZ and the director of Alpha Omega Ministries) debates Bill Shishko (Pastor of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Franklin Square, NY) on the subject of Household Baptism. Baptism: Debate Session 1...
Household Baptism: Resources

Household Baptism: Resources

Good and godly men disagree over this question: To whom is the sacrament of baptism properly administered? Those who hold to the credo-baptist position (i.e., only repentant adults may be baptized) defend their position in a relatively simple manner by pointing to...
Household Baptism: Resources

Explaining Infant Baptism

By R. Scott Clark Yesterday someone commented on one of the BigSocialMedia platforms that the Heidelcast series, “I Will Be A God To You And To Your Children” helped them to understand and accept infant baptism (paedobaptism) as the biblical position. Someone else...