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What Are the Degrees of Love?

What Are the Degrees of Love?

Answered by Lancelot Andrewes (1555–1626) That there be degrees [of love], it is plain because omission of duties to parents is worse than to strangers: so that there must needs be a greater duty to one of these, than to the other. As in natural things, where the...
What Are the Degrees of Love?

Must We Love All Men Equally?

Answered by Lancelot Andrewes (1555 – 1626) That there be degrees [of love], it is plain because omission of duties to parents is worse than to strangers: so that there must needs be a greater duty to one of these, than to the other. As in natural things, where the...
The Doctrine of Hell

The Doctrine of Hell

During the month of February 2012, we studied what the Bible teaches about Hell. While this admittedly-uncomfortable doctrine is often neglected in most churches, we profited greatly from discussing it together. For your own private instruction and encouragement, we...