by Christian | Dec 17, 2023 | Evangelistic, Outreach
Tired of Christmas Shenanigans? Come Worship With us ’Tis the season for family get-togethers, gift giving, and general merriment; but not for substituting skits, plays, and other forms of entertainment for worship. The same thing goes for all the “high church”...
by Christian | Dec 29, 2022 | Ethics, Worship
During the final weeks of every year, visual images of our Lord Jesus Christ seem to be everywhere. From Christmas cards to commercial advertisements, it is nearly impossible to avoid seeing a barrage of pictures of Jesus in the manger during the holiday season. Of...
by Christian | Dec 22, 2016 | Ask the Pastor, Newspaper, Word Studies
I have been asked more than once (and have also overheard many heated debates) about the modern “Christmas VS Holiday” controversy. Most Christians get immediately offended when the word “Holiday” is substituted for “Christmas”...