by Christian | Dec 17, 2024 | Family, Parenting, Youth
Check Your Kid's Playlist This is an urgent warning. As such, I’m publishing it as a first draft, so please excuse any imperfection of content or tone. Children were gunned down yesterday at a Christian school not far from my hometown and while watching the news, I...
by Christian | Mar 1, 2022 | Ask the Pastor, Ethics, Recent
Answered by Christian McShaffrey from Leviticus 19. I got many tattoos when I was a teenager and, obviously, I still have them today. Some of them are simply embarrassing, as they reflect the asinine worldview of an angst-driven adolescent. Some are inconsequential...
by Christian | Feb 11, 2021 | Ecclesiology
The local Christian radio station, 89.5 FM, has recently added “Abounding Grace” to its program schedule; airing each weekday at 8:00 AM. At the close of the program, host Christopher Gordon offers listeners help finding a “URC” church in their area. URC...
by Christian | Jul 2, 2020 | Civic, Ethics
Self-preservation in all creatures in which is nature, is in the creatures suitable to their nature. The bull defendeth itself by its horns, the eagle by her claws and bill, it will not follow that a lamb will defend itself against a wolf any other way than by flying....
by Christian | Feb 11, 2020 | Bible Versions
A brotherly inquiry from Christian McShaffrey “What, are you ESV only?” You have probably never heard anyone pose that question, but I might start asking it because I would really like to see how my brethren answer it. As a regular user of the Authorized Version and...