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Received Text Reading List

Received Text Reading List

We offer this select bibliography to those who are interested in learning more about the traditional text of the Greek New Testament and the doctrine of providential preservation. The list is not exhaustive, but should be sufficient to get you started in your study....
[Re]introducing Edward F. Hills

[Re]introducing Edward F. Hills

An introduction to two books on the text and translation of scripture: “If I truly believe in God, then God is more real to me than anything else I know, more real even than my faith in Him. For if anything else is more real to me than God Himself, then I am not...
The Received Text

The Received Text

By R. J. RushdoonyJune 01, 1997 When I was a student, I heard a lecture on the Bible by an ostensibly orthodox Biblical scholar which was very disappointing. He insisted on arguing from within the ranks of the critics and with a ready acceptance of their...
The Excellence of The AV

The Excellence of The AV

By William O. EinwechterJune 01, 1997 Without question, the Authorized (King James) Version of the Bible reigns supreme as the most extensively used and influential English translation of the Word of God that there has ever been. It was essentially the only...
Should We Still Use the KJV Today?

Should We Still Use the KJV Today?

A review article by G. I. Williamson  A New Hearing for The Authorized Version (second edition, 1997) by Theodore P. Letis, Ph.D., 34 pages. Published by The Institute for Renaissance and Reformation Studies, 6417 N. Fairhill, Philadelphia, PA 19126. Price...