(608) 495-9220 [email protected]
Vaccines, Abortion, & Fetal Tissue

Vaccines, Abortion, & Fetal Tissue

For several years now, information has circulated among prolife groups and individuals regarding the development of very common vaccines through the use of tissue taken from aborted babies. While initially the reports and information were not conclusively documented,...
Which Lutheran church would Luther join?

Which Lutheran church would Luther join?

On May 10, 2014, a minister of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) responded to my article about leaving apostate denominations. In that written response, the claim was made that because men like Martin Luther are not living today, we are not able to...
Reedsburg Life Chain

Reedsburg Life Chain

Next Sunday at 1:00 pm Christians across the country will be standing on the Main Street of their towns for an hour of silent prayer and holding signs that read, “Abortion Kills Children, Abortion Hurts Women, Jesus Forgives and Heals, etc.” We will be joining them...
“For a Thousand Generations”

“For a Thousand Generations”

Pastor Christian McShaffrey wrote this material in 2005 as part of a “Pro-life Resource Packet for Churches ” published by the Wisconsin Right to Life (Sauk Co. Chapter) and distributed to all the churches in central and south-central Wisconsin. While the...