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friends_bookAll are invited to join us for second service during the last three weeks of January as we contemplate this vital question together:

How should we develop biblical friendship?

Pastor McShaffrey will distribute free copies of the booklet on January 3rd, but you can order more copies (or an Ebook version) at the following website: Reformation Heritage Books.

Below are the assigned readings and discussion guide:

01/17/16  –  Discussion of pages 1-20

1. Evaluate the claim: “Friendship is one of the primary means God uses to strengthen His people.” (pg. 2)

2. What two central ideas are found in the biblical representation of friendship? (pg. 4)

3. What are the most notable lessons we can learn from Paul’s friendships? (pp. 5-11)

4. What was your favorite example of friendship from Christian Tradition? Why? (pp. 11-20)

01/24/16  –  Discussion of pages 20-34

1. What is the first step to finding and cultivating true friendships? (pp. 20-21)

2. “God is Lord of Friendship.” How does this truth impact our search for friends? (pp. 22-23)

3. What do you think of the various “levels” of friendship? (pp. 23-25)

4. Identify and discuss the first five practical steps of deepening friendship. (pp. 26-34)

01/31/16  –  Discussion of pages 34-46

1. Identify and discuss the last five practical steps of deepening friendship. (pp. 34-44)

2. Survey the “one another” passages in the NT. Which is most meaningful to you? Why? (fn. 54)

3. What is the most difficult “strand” for you to weave into your friendships? Why? (pg. 45)

4. Compile and share some suggestions for deepening friendships in our church.