The Five Solas Church Blog
“Therefore, brethren, stand fast and hold the traditions which you were taught, whether by word or our epistle” (2 Thess. 2:15).
Below you will find sermons, articles, etc. that are representative of Reformed theology in general and, more specifically, of our Pastor’s public teaching ministry. His name is Christian McShaffrey and he would be happy to chat with you should you have any questions or comments.
Featured Message
What is the gospel?
Five minutes with Dr. Cairns that can change your life.
recent posts

Election Day Prayer
Our Father, Lord of heaven and earth, Thou art very great. We praise Thee, for Thy name is above all blessing and praise. Thou canst do immeasurably above all that we ask or think. Thou hast made the heavens and all their...

Class: Systematic Theology
Christians need a firm doctrinal foundation in these last days, but few have the inclination or ability to work through a multi-volume systematic theology. Pastor McShaffrey will seek to remedy this problem by offering a...

Men’s Book Discussion
Speculation abounds about the last days, but what did Jesus believe and teach about the timing of his return? Join the men of the church every other Saturday morning at 10:00 am as they discuss RC Sproul’s book: The Last...

Study: Ecclesiastes
Ever felt a sense of the seemingly monotonous pace of life under the sun? You wake up, leave the house, sit in traffic, work at a job, come home, eat and relax, go to bed, and start all over again the next morning… Apart...

Day of Prayer and Fasting
The 90th General Assembly determines to call for a day of prayer and fasting on Saturday, August 17, 2024, that the whole church may pray as one people, and call upon the Lord with one voice, that we might lament our...

Sermon: The Man of Sin

Study: The Afterlife
Everyone knows that men die. All Christians believe their bodies will be raised again on the last day. But what happens in between? Join us on Sunday afternoons at 12:30 pm as Elder Kirkham explains what the scriptures...
most read posts
TR-Friendly Directory
a map of confessional churches that use the Textus Receptus
Are you ESV-only?
Kept Pure in All Ages
upcoming conference on the authentic text of scripture
Recovering from Aimee Byrd’s Promotional Video
Jan 22, 2020
Strategic Survival Plan For Christian Living In Strange Times
@ The Daily Genevan
Tribute to Dr. E.F. Hills
with an autobiographical mémoir
Leaving a Church to the Glory of God
@ Reformation 21
Why the King James Version?
Free Booklet
“How the Holy Bible Came to Be”
An Elementary Introduction to the Doctrine of Believing Bibliology
@ TBS Bibles

Thank you for taking some time to peruse the Five Solas Sentry. My name is Christian McShaffrey, I am the Pastor of Five Solas Church, and would be happy to chat with you. Please use the form below.