(608) 495-9220 [email protected]

Join us at the church on October 31 as we commemorate “Reformation Day” with a dinner, documentary, and discussion.

The evening will begin with a pizza dinner at the church beginning at 5:45 pm. Please RSVP so we can order food in advance and bring a salad or side dish to share.

Suggested donation for dinner: $4 for adults and $1.50 for children under ten.

At 6:45 pm, we will watch a documentary entitled: “Martin Luther – A Journey to the Heart of the Reformation” (description below) with a group discussion and time of fellowship following.

Feel free to invite a friend and we hope to see you there!

Documentary Description

When Martin Luther nailed the 95 Theses to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany, he little realized the storm that would break as a consequence. The event shook the medieval church to its foundations and changed the religious and political world forever.

In Luther’s time the Church held sway. Luther’s actions, however, or rather his reaction to a monk called Tetzel, the seller of papal indulgences, was to wrest power from the church and light a beacon which would illuminate all of Europe, and then the world!

This documentary, filmed on location in Germany, takes you to the key places in Luther’s life. To Eisleben, his birthplace; to Erfurt where he studied at the university and where he served in the monastery; to Wörms, scene of the famous Diet; to Wartburg Castle, where he was held prisoner; and to Wittenberg the setting for most of his life s work.

In Wittenberg, you will see the famous doors where his 95 theses were nailed, the church where he preached, the university where he taught, and the building where he lived.