A Note To Visiting Moms
Hi, my name is Molly. The pastor writes most of the pages on our website, but he asked me to write this one from a mom-to-mom perspective. I also put together the “quiet bags” as a gift and encouragement to you.
We both know what a challenge it can be to attend church with young children. The restless wiggles can get the best of them and every now and then defiance even rears its ugly head.
As a young mom, I can remember walking out the back of the sanctuary in the middle of the sermon for the umpteenth time with a defiant toddler asking, “Lord, what is the point?!”
It is so easy to get caught up in our own flesh, thinking that attending church on Sunday is about ME. However, hearing the noise of children in the church is a far better sound than the sound of no children at all.
Let us never forget that our children are part of the covenant community and are therefore invited by God to worship him together in the gathering of his people.
We, as parents and as the congregation, have enormous – but enormously worthwhile – work to do in training our children to worship.
There are few things that have brought us more joy as parents than looking to our side to see our children joyously worshiping in unison with us, and the church.
That took a lot of work and patience, so don’t be discouraged. Just do your best, know that no one is judging you, and let me know if you need a helping hand this Sunday.
Hope to see you next Sunday, Molly
Have Specific Needs for Your Children?
Just let us know and we will do our best to accomondate.