February 21-22, 2024
It’s a confusing time to be a man. We need better options than toxic machismo and gender liquidity. Thankfully, God’s word gives us understanding and shows the way through the fog (Psalm 119:105).
David Veldhorst will speak on men’s vital role in their homes–as sons, brothers, husbands, & fathers. Join us for an important weekend to become a better man for God and the people at home.
To become the men God calls us to be, we need one another. At the men’s retreat, we combine learning and fellowship. There will be plenty of time for fun and competition with hikes, sports, fires, and other games.
About our speaker: David Veldhorst is a minister at Bethel Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Oostburg, WI, and teaches Bible & theology at Sheboygan Christian School. He completed a master’s degree in family counseling at Purdue University and his seminary work at Covenant Seminary in St. Louis. He is married to Jan and has 4 children and a growing number of grandchildren.
Registration & Payment DEADLINE — January 15th (No Exceptions or Extensions)