(608) 495-9220 [email protected]

Tolle Lege

"Take up and read"
850 Clark Street in Reedsburg

Yes, the title of our free little library is a little odd, but it comes from history and you may be able to relate.

A young man named Augustine, once felt pulled in two directions. The truths of Christianity seemed to make sense, but his sinful lifestyle stood in the way.

One day, he fell to his knees, began weeping, and could only manage to pray, “How long, O Lord?”

Augustine then heard some children singing, “Tolle lege, tolle lege.” That’s Latin for “Take up and read.” He went home, began reading the Bible, and his life was never the same.

We offer our little library in hope that you might experience the same grace that changed Augustine from a sinner to a saint.


The Bibles are free. If you don’t know where to start reading, we suggest the Gospel of John. If you have a question about something you read, use the form below to contact the Pastor.



All the books are also free. Unlike many little libraries, we do not accept donated materials. Unsolictied additions to the inventory will be removed. Thank you for respecting this rule.


Please return DVD’s within a week. All movies have been approved as family-friendly, but some conatin themes that may be too dramatic for young children. As always, use discretion.

14 + 10 =

Here are our most popular online booklets

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Here are the most recent blog posts

Sermons: Matthew

Sermons: Matthew

What the world needs most is a king and the good news of Matthew’s gospel is this: He has come to...

Nursing Home Ministry

Nursing Home Ministry

“Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows...

Men’s Book Discussion

Men’s Book Discussion

Speculation abounds about the last days, but what did Jesus believe and teach about the timing of...

Study: Ecclesiastes

Study: Ecclesiastes

Ever felt a sense of the seemingly monotonous pace of life under the sun? You wake up, leave the...

Day of Prayer and Fasting

Day of Prayer and Fasting

The 90th General Assembly determines to call for a day of prayer and fasting on Saturday, August...

Here’s one last thing to consider

We don’t believe in chance and neither should you. God led you to open our little library with good reason. Maybe you need us. On the other hand, maybe we need you. Either way, we thank God for his providence in causing our paths to cross today and trust he will make known his purpose in due time.