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Election Day Prayer

Our Father, Lord of heaven and earth, Thou art very great. We praise Thee, for Thy name is above all blessing and praise. Thou canst do immeasurably above all that we ask or think. Thou hast made the heavens and all their host, the earth and seas and all that fills them, and the angels of heaven do worship Thee.

Thou hast blessed our nation with an abundance of food and wealth. Thou hast revealed Thy law and gospel in Thy Holy Scriptures. Thou hast sent Thy Son to give His life a ransom for many. Thy servants have testified to our people.

Yet, O God, our land is bathed in the blood of innocents. We have taken Thy gifts, and made them our idols. We have hardened our hearts, and listened not to Thy commandments. We have turned Thy holy gospel into a license to sin. We have celebrated that which Thou dost condemn. We are a proud nation, and Thou dost hate pride.

Have mercy, O God, have mercy upon us! Thou dost not change, and therefore Thy people are not consumed. Forgive America for its many sins. Forgive each of us for all our sins. In wrath remember mercy. Thou didst promise that for the sake of ten righteous men Thou wouldst spare wicked Sodom. O God, hear the prayers of those who delight to fear Thy name, and do not give this nation over to a lie.

Thou art the Most High, who doth rule over the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever Thou wilt. If the heart of the king is in Thy hand to turn it as Thou pleasest, certainly then Thou rulest over the votes of the people. Direct their votes, we pray Thee, to those that will govern our nation with wisdom and lead us in ways that are right. Grant to us a president, senators, representatives, judges, governors, and other officials who will do us good and not harm. Give us a government under which Thy people, Thy church whom Thou dost love, may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

Yet, Sovereign Lord, our deepest prayer is that Thou wouldst do whatever is necessary in the United States so that Thy name be hallowed, Thy kingdom come, and Thy will be done, both here and throughout the world, now and in all generations to come. Glorify Thyself in Thy church and in Thy Son now and forevermore. Amen.

Posted originally by Joel Beeke at his blog: Doctrine for Life.

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Christian and Kelly McShaffrey

Christian and Kelly McShaffrey

Five Solas Church (OPC) is a conservative confessional church located in Reedsburg, WI that draws members and visitors from Baraboo, Cazenovia, Mauston, Kendall, Adams, WI Dells, LaValle, etc.

The doctrine is Reformed (Westminster Standards), the form of government is Presbyterian (elder rule), and the worldview presented equips Bible believing Christians to live holy and hopeful lives in a perverse generation.

Other distinctives include: Textus Receptus/Authorized Version used, expository preaching, experimental calvinist piety, traditional worship (Psalms/hymns), weekly administration of the Lord’s Supper, six day creation/young earth, biblical gender roles affirmed, homeschool friendly, etc.

Those who disagree w/ TULIP or household baptism are ordinarily welcomed into membership.