(608) 495-9220 [email protected]

Many committed, knowledgeable believers still know little about the history of the church. As a result, they’re missing a testament to God’s steadfastness over the centuries.

Join us Sunday afternoon at 12:30 pm as we watch and discuss a teaching series by Dr. W. Robert Godfrey that sheds crucial light on church history, demonstrating Jesus’ promise to build and preserve his church so that “the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18).

August 14: Introduction

August 21: Expansion of the Church

August 28: Defending the Faith

September 11: Pioneering Theologian Origen

September 18: Developing Theology

September 25: The Bishop

October 9: Constantine & the Church

October 16: Jesus as God

October 23: Jesus as Man

October 30: The East & the West

November 11: Augustine

November 20: Worship & The Sacraments