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Check Your Kid's Playlist

This is an urgent warning. As such, I’m publishing it as a first draft, so please excuse any imperfection of content or tone. 

Children were gunned down yesterday at a Christian school not far from my hometown and while watching the news, I saw a picture of the shooter wearing a shirt with the letters KMFDM.

Those letters, no doubt, will mean nothing to most of you, but I immediately recognized them as the name of a band I followed in the Chicago-land area back in the early ‘90s. This band usually opened for a band ironically named Ministry, but the scene was by no means Christian. Look up their lyrics at your own risk.

In summary, we were rebels, anarchists. Early during those years, I carved an anarchy symbol into my right arm and tattooed this phrase on my left arm: “The masses are in hallucination.” That’s what we thought of you normies. You were blind, we were enlightened, and we were ready to burn the whole thing down in order to convince you.

The music we listened to did not necessarily make us what we were, because we went looking for it, but it definitely brought us together and intensified our angst. Some of us died in the process, but most us of us grew up to live relatively normal lives. Apparently, however, our zeitgeist lived on.

The recent shooter, Natalie Rupnow, took and posted a picture wearing a KFMDM t-shirt. So what? We all had one. So did the Columbine shooter, Eric Harris, by the way. Most parents would look at such a t-shirt and simply shrug it off. That’s what my parents did. But they should not have and neither should you.

Music is powerful. It shapes and changes the mind. Demons use it as a spiritual portal and you ignore that fact to your peril.

Like I said, I’m publishing this without further review because parents need this warning now. I attended KMFDM concerts, I echoed their message in bands of my own, and it is only by God’s grace that I am here to tell you today that it leads to violence, rape, and death. Read the lyrics if you don’t believe me.

Please, parents, check your children’s Spotify playlists and make sure they are not being demonized by wicked music.

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Christian and Kelly McShaffrey

Christian and Kelly McShaffrey

Five Solas Church (OPC) is a conservative confessional church located in Reedsburg, WI that draws members and visitors from Baraboo, Cazenovia, Mauston, Kendall, Adams, WI Dells, LaValle, etc.

The doctrine is Reformed (Westminster Standards), the form of government is Presbyterian (elder rule), and the worldview presented equips Bible believing Christians to live holy and hopeful lives in a perverse generation.

Other distinctives include: Textus Receptus/Authorized Version used, expository preaching, experimental calvinist piety, traditional worship (Psalms/hymns), weekly administration of the Lord’s Supper, six day creation/young earth, biblical gender roles affirmed, homeschool friendly, etc.

Those who disagree w/ TULIP or household baptism are ordinarily welcomed into membership.