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Reasoning with Roman Catholics can be tough.

This page is intended to make those conversations at least a little less complicated.

Below are some resources that will help you understand the errors of Romanism and also equip you to offer biblical answers to those who are open to the truth of God’s Word.

Contact our Minister, Christian McShaffrey of Five Solas Church (Reedsburg, WI) if you want to discuss this page.


Online Articles

Before you convert to catholicism – Top ten list from James White (short)

Catholic vs. Protestant – A brief contrast from the OPC (medium)

Roman Catholicism: A Biblical Analysis – By Brian Schwertley (long)


Audio Sermons

Reformed Christianity vs Roman Catholicism – 1 sermon by Ian Brown (Presbyterian)

Roman Catholicism: Examined in the Light of Scripture – 2 sermons by John Greer (Presbyterian)

The Heresy of Catholicism – 8 sermons by John MacArthur (Baptist)
