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Congregational Singing

Congregational Singing

Besides reading and mediating on scripture, we spend more time in worship singing songs together than anything else. Why? Come find biblical answers as Pastor McShaffrey teaches on the nature and purpose of congregational singing during our afternoon Discipleship Hour...
Wesley’s Rules for Singing

Wesley’s Rules for Singing

That this part of Divine Worship may be the more acceptable to God, as well as the more profitable to yourself and others, be careful to observe the following directions: I. Learn these Tunes before you learn any others; afterwards learn as many as you please. II....
God Moves in a Mysterious Way

God Moves in a Mysterious Way

William Cow­per (1731-1800) was a poet who oft­en strug­gled with spiritual de­press­ion and doubt. One night, in a deep moment of desperation, he de­cid­ed to com­mit su­i­cide by drown­ing him­self. He called a taxi and told the driv­er to take him to the Thames...
A Hymn for the Middle East

A Hymn for the Middle East

While we read daily of unrest and violence in the middle east, there was a time in which the light of Christ shone brightly in that part of the world. The following hymn was written during a time of great missionary interest (c. 1838) and may help the modern...
The Sands of Time are Sinking

The Sands of Time are Sinking

“The wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride hath made herself ready.” Revelation 19:7 Found on page #599 of our Trinity Hymnal, this song has become a favorite of many. We here offer a brief background to the hymn as well as the stanzas which are not...
Music Policy of Grace Reformed Church

Music Policy of Grace Reformed Church

I. Preamble The Session of Grace Reformed Church hereby establishes this music policy; which we find to be agreeable to the Holy Word of God, in accordance with the constitution of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, and unto the edification of those souls whom God has...