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The Slippery Slope of Sexual Intimacy

The Slippery Slope of Sexual Intimacy

It is every parent’s responsibility to establish and enforce boundaries as their child begins to develop romantic feelings for someone. As the couple’s romantic affection grows, so will the risk of sexual impurity. That is why the apostle wrote, “It is good for a man...
Must We Love All Men Equally?

Must We Love All Men Equally?

Answered by Lancelot Andrewes (1555 – 1626) That there be degrees [of love], it is plain because omission of duties to parents is worse than to strangers: so that there must needs be a greater duty to one of these, than to the other. As in natural things, where the...
Should I Get a Tattoo?

Should I Get a Tattoo?

Answered by Christian McShaffrey from Leviticus 19. I got many tattoos when I was a teenager and, obviously, I still have them today. Some of them are simply embarrassing, as they reflect the asinine worldview of an angst-driven adolescent. Some are inconsequential...
The Ambrose Rule

The Ambrose Rule

Many men follow what has come to be known as the Graham or Pence rule: Never be alone with a woman who is not your wife. Evangelicals now mock this rule, but it remains a matter of common sense modesty that has served men well for millennia. Ambrose of Milan, a...
What is Theonomy?

What is Theonomy?

Question: I have occasionally heard the word “Theonomy” used in conversations at church. What does that word mean? Answer: Since there are many different opinions of what “Theonomy” is, it would probably be most fair to allow one of the...